(报告加工时间:2014-11-03 -- 2014-11-09)



  • 电子商务-第035期


  • 一种支持细粒度并行的SDN虚拟化编程框架
    软件定义网络(software defined network,简称SDN)通过集中式的控制器提高了网络的可编程性,成为近年来网络领域非常热门的话题.以Openflow网络为代表的软件定义网络将逻辑控制与数据转发相隔离,为网络虚拟化技术提供了良好的平台.集中式的抽象与控制使得SDN虚拟化框架的处理效率成为主要瓶颈.现有的SDN虚拟化框架由于缺乏对细粒度并行的支持,为编程人员充分利用多核/众核资源、控制更大规模的网络带来了极大的挑战.为了提高SDN虚拟化框架的处理效率,提出一种新的SDN虚拟化编程框架,通过新颖的API和运行时,在框架内部支持细粒度的并行处理.该框架通过对网络中流和网络资源进行抽象,使开发人员可以直接通过划分流空间来定义不同的虚拟网络,利用无锁的编程方式对共享的网络资源和流进行操作.实验结果表明,该框架在逻辑控制的执行效率方面具有良好的可扩展性,可以创建出更大规模的虚拟网络,并对其进行更为复杂的控制.
  • 物联网环境下多智能体决策信息支持技术
  • 传感器网络中一种基于单向哈希链的过滤方案
  • 基于知识描述和遗传算法的跨域虚拟网络映射


  • 通过跨层干扰对齐的移动AdHoc网络的高吞吐量
    Recent investigations into the fundamental limits of mobile ad hoc networks have produced a physical layer method for approaching their capacity. This strategy, known as interference alignment, requires cooperation, rather than competition, among the transceivers in the network. Under ideal circumstances, every user can achieve reliable communication at rates approaching one half of the interference-free capacity. Unfortunately, prior research on interference alignment makes many assumptions that make it difficult to realize interference alignment in practice. This report summarizes the PI's work on realizing interference alignment in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication channels. The emphasis is on networks where clusters of users cooperate together, since this provides a good balance between network overhead and performance. One contribution was to devise a way to add new users to an existing cluster of interference aligned users. Different algorithms were devised as a function of the number of antennas in the network. Another contribution was to analyze interference alignment in a network with random clusters of users. The cases where interference alignment was preferred to other simpler communication strategies was characterized. Another contribution was to determine the impact of distributing the antennas. It was found that distributed antennas lead to higher performance with interference alignment, and new algorithms were designed to achieve that performance. A final contribution was to prototype an interference alignment network. A distributed prototype was constructed with over-the-air synchronization and feedback, demonstrating the viability of interference alignment for small networks in practice.
  • 伪随机噪声雷达波形信息编码
    Navigation requires knowledge of current location and a planned destination. This is true with manned vehicles and unmanned vehicles. There are many ways to acquire the current location, including global positioning system (GPS), triangulation, radar, and dead reckoning. Today GPS is the most reliable and accurate navigation technique when there is a clear, unobstructed view of the satellite constellation. Various sensors can be used to perform indoor navigation; however, when the vehicle is autonomous the sensors need to provide the exact location to the system. This research determined if using a template replay strategy has the same RNR performance as using an analog noise source. Using the template replay approach, each RNR node has a priori knowledge about the transmitted waveforms of other nodes. The analysis here revealed that modifications do not significantly alter RNR functionality. The analysis revealed that even at SNIR equal to 0 dB, there are no parameters that can be reliably extracted other than transmitted signal bandwidth and transmitted template length; the transmitted message length was able to be extracted because the message was repeated over and over. If the message was not replayed the analysis showed that there would be no ability to extract parameters. Finally, by using the RNR to transmit digitally generated templates, digital communication is possible and the symbol error rate (SER) is traceable to simulated SER.

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