The following chapter depicts the segmentation of the IoT in agriculture market on the basis of systems such as sensing, communication, cloud computing, and data management. Sensing systems encompass a broad range of systems including GNSS/GPS devices, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and other systems. These set of systems are integrated with each other and are supported by different data management and mapping software solutions to constitute a complete IoT in agriculture system. Apart from that, companies also offer software tools and apps for portable IoT agriculture solutions. The IoT in agriculture services include integration and deployment of farm equipment, maintenance & support, and other services such as consultancy, veterinarian, and financial services.
The value chain of farm tires market is characterized by the presence of raw material
manufacturers/suppliers, tire manufacturers, suppliers/distributors, and end users.
The major raw material used in tire manufacturing is rubber – natural as well as synthetic. Liquid latex
is mixed with acids which causes the raw rubber to solidify. Other raw materials involved in
manufacturing tires include carbon black, which is obtained from crude oil or natural gas; sulfur; and
several other chemicals.
Rubber and carbon black providers form the first stage of the value chain. Rubber suppliers are mainly
companies involved in the production of tire and other rubber products. Some of these raw material
suppliers include Sinopec Corporation, SIBUR, JSR Corporation, and Cabot Corporation. Suppliers sign
long-term contracts with those involved in the manufacturing of tires to ensure constant demand while
tire manufacturers sign long-term contracts with raw materials suppliers to ensure a constant supply.
Based on data at the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) Indonesia’s trade
balance in the period of January-September 2018 had a deficit of US$ 3.78
billion or around Rp56.7 trillion. Higher increase in imports than in exports
caused the trade balance deficit in the first nine months of this year. The
largest deficit was recorded in July at US$2 billion. In 2017, the country’s
foreign trade was favored with a surplus after deficit recorded in a number of
years earlier.
The trade deficit was attributable mainly to widening deficit in oil and gas trade
amid risisng oil prices in 2018. Meanwhile Indonesia’s dependence on imports
for oil fuel was higher on shrinking domestic production and rising consumption.
In addition to imports of oil and gas, imports of non-oil/gas commodities in 2018
grew stronger than increase in exports of non oil/gas. In 2017 until September
2017 imports of oil and gas were valued at US$95 billion rising strongly in the
same period in 2018 to US$ 116 billion or a 22.1% increase. Meanwhile exports
in the same period rose only 9.3% from US$ 111.9 billion in the January-
September period in 2017 to US$ 122.3 billion in the same period in 2018.