(报告加工时间:2020-04-20 -- 2020-04-26)



  • 全球密码管理市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    With the increasing internet services penetration, improving communication infrastructure, and data speed improvements, the growing number of internet and mobile users is influencing various business, across the world, to adopt internet to offer their services and products, driving the need for creation of different profiles by the end-users. Along with this, enterprises are increasingly adopting security measures to increase accountability by adopting user accounts. Such developments are, in turn, augmenting the demand for password management software. Owing to the increase in the number of profiles operated by a single entity, the management of password becomes vital, especially in enterprises, thus, creating a requirement for authenticating the right user. Password management is one of the frequent types of services which IT helpdesks have to deal on an everyday basis, consuming a significant share of their time. The sheer volume of requests for password resets received by the IT helpdesks makes it an extremely time-consuming task. For instance, META Group data suggests that a helpdesk receives an average of 21 calls per user per year asking for a password reset. Moreover, such requests can be easily avoided by the adoption of self-service password management and automating the process cutting IT service desk's time consumed in resolving such Level-1 issues and increasing their time and efforts on pressing on core issues.


  • 保险行业:寿险新业务价值显著下降,财险承保盈利改善-2020年一季报前瞻
    受疫情影响寿险销售展业,预计上市险企1Q2020 NBV 同比负增长。国寿开门红布局较早+2019 年末逆势增员有效,或将NBV 正增长,领先同业。疫情期间人力考核放松,短期内有望拉动新单销售。财险受疫情冲击较小,费用改革+车辆使用率下降,有望改善承保盈利。
  • 非银行金融行业:如何做好我们的流动性管理?
    证券账户闲置资金:场内申赎型货币基金最佳。我们建议首先考虑申购或买入一支场内货币基金(申赎型管理费率低、收益率略高;若买入交易型场内货基建议价格不超过100.005 元/份)。遇月末/季末/中期末/年末/春节前夕等特殊时点,可择时手工下单国债逆回购(先GC001 后R-001)。同时建议开通国债逆回购和券商保证金产品自动下单功能进行保底。
  • 保险行业:资产端预期差带来配置价值,保费端改善带来向上动力-2季度策略报告

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