(报告加工时间:2021-04-19 -- 2021-05-05)



  • 中国农业问题报告与分析-第594期
    3 月 5 日,国务院总理李克强在政府工作报告中提出,全面实施乡村振兴战略,促进农业稳定发展和农民增收;接续推进脱贫地区发展,抓好农业生产,改善农村生活生产条件。
  • 中国农业问题报告与分析-第593期
    3 月 2 日,国务院总理李克强在全国春季农业生产工作电视电话会议上作出重要批示,要确保粮食产量稳定在 1.3 万亿斤以上,要牢牢守住耕地红线。
  • 中国农业问题报告与分析-第596期
  • 中国农业问题报告与分析-第597期
  • 中国农业问题报告与分析-第595期
    粮食生产机械化对于稳定粮食产量具有重要意义。据农业农村部近日发布部 署机械化各项工作的通知,当前我国农业生产进入机械化主导的新阶段,各主要 粮食作物耕种收综合机械化率均超过 80%,但双季稻栽植、粮食产地烘干等环节和丘陵山区机械化尚有不少短板。通知要求各级农业机械化主管部门要集中力量 补短板强弱项,全方位提升粮食生产全程机械化水平。


  • 全球太阳能农场市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Solar farms are farms powered using photovoltaic cells to generate energy over larger scale. The solar farms market is analyzed and estimated in accordance with the impacts of drivers, restraints, and opportunities. The period studied in this report is from 2019 to 2027. The report focuses on revenue generated from various types of solar farms, its end users, and operations. Moreover, the report analyzes the current solar farm market trends for different regions and suggests future growth opportunities by analyzing government regulations & policies, thereby further increasing consumer acceptance of solar farms.
  • 全球葡萄酒瓶塞市场报告(2021-2027年)
    Wine corks or wine stoppers are a chunk made up of cork, rubber, or other similar products made by various materials used as a stopper for a wine bottle. These are mainly used to control the physical and chemical properties of the wine. Common wine corks control the moisture, act as the resistance to spillage, and also control the oxidants that in term control the presence of microorganisms. Natural, synthetic, screw caps, plastic caps, and others are different types of wine corks available in the market. Natural wine corks are best suited for the old and premium wine, which avoids the leakage and extraction of flavors from the bottle. For the purpose of analysis, the global wine corks market is segmented on the basis of type, distribution channel, and region. The study estimates the revenue generated from the sales of mainly two types of wine corks such as natural and synthetic.
  • 全球智能室内花园系统市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Smart indoor gardening system is a self-growing garden solution, which enables users to grow herbs, fresh plants, and flowers with higher nutritional content. The smart garden is a technological gardening device that is controlled by Wi-Fi. It has an app that helps to manage the unit from Android phone or iOS. These systems are designed for indoor use to manage lighting and offer nutrients to plants. In addition, they are specially designed for indoor use in small spaces, without soil, and are equipped with self-watering systems. For the purpose of analysis, the report segments the global smart indoor garden systems market based on type, technology, end user, and region. The report highlights the information about various types of smart indoor gardening such as wall gardena nd floor garden. It outlines the details about the technologies used in indoor gardening such as smart indoor gardening through self-watering, smart sensing, and smart pest management. Furthermore, the end users covered in the report include residential and commercial.
  • 全球牛饲料市场报告(2021-2027年)
    In animal husbandry, animal feed is commonly known as the food given to the domestic animals, especially those who live on livestock. There are two basic types of feeds given to animals—fodder and forage. Cattle that are commonly raised as livestock animal are used for applications such as meat, milk, and for hides, which are used to make leather. Another cattle product is their dung, which in recent times is used to make manure or fuel. Cattles or cows and bulls are known as prominent modern members of the subfamily Bovinae and they are the most widespread species of the genus Bos and hence also known as Bos Taurus in some parts of the world. For the purpose of analysis, the global cattle feed market is segmented on the basis of cattle type, distribution channel, and region. The study estimates the revenue generated from the sales of feed for the specific cattle types such as beef and dairy cattle. Moreover, it offers information about the revenue generated through different distribution channels such as offline and online channels. Furthermore, the report covers the revenue generated from the sales of the products related to action cameras offered in regions such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.
  • 全球猪饲料市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Swine feed, also known as pig feed, is prepared from a combination of nutrients, either from plant or animal sources, which majorly include soy meal, corn, barley, wheat, sorghum, minerals, vitamins, other micronutrients, and antibiotics. For the purpose of analysis, the report segments the global swine feed market based on product type, , form, nature , and region. The study highlights the information about various product types, which include starter, grower, and finisher. Furthermore, it outlines the details about various forms of swine feed available in the market such as mash, crumbs, and pellets. It further focuses on the nature of swine feed including conventional, and organics. Furthermore, the study includes the particulars about organic and conventional forms of swine feed. Moreover, it summarizes the data about the revenue generated from the sales of swine feed across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.
  • 全球宠物补充剂市场报告(2021-2027年)
    The global pet supplement market is segmented on the basis of pet, type, source, distribution channel, and region. By pet, it is categorized into dog, cat, freshwater fish, and others. By type, it is divided into multivitamins, skin & coat, hip & joint, prebiotics & probiotic and calming. By source, it is categorized into organic and conventional. By distribution channel, it is segmented into offline and online. Region wise, it is analyzed across North America (the U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (Germany, the UK, France, Russia, Italy, Spain, Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, South Korea, Rest of Asia-Pacific), and LAMEA (Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa).


  • 农林牧渔行业:生猪链布局正当时,核心推荐牧原与科前
    生猪板块调整接近尾声,板块向上拐点临近。短期,猪价22 元/公斤有强支撑,预计5 月猪价开启反弹。近日猪价回调有两方面原因:1)季节性需求疲软;2)进口冻肉集中出库,造成供给阶段性增多。考虑到行业自繁自养平均成本,我们认为22 元/公斤的猪价仍有较强支撑。阶段性冻肉库存仍较高,随着冻肉的逐步出库消化,我们判断猪价有望在5 月上旬开启向上反弹。
  • 农林牧渔行业:猪价企稳,后周期业绩高增
    1)本期沪深300 指数上涨3.41%,农业板块上涨3.14%,在28 个子行业中排名第8 位;2)本周养猪板块牧原股份、正邦科技上涨且超额收益为正;养鸡板块圣农发展、民和股份上涨,板块超额收益均为负;饲料板块海大集团上涨且超额收益为正;动保板块仅瑞普生物下跌,生物股份、科前生物获正超额收益;农产品种植及加工板块仅金龙鱼超额收益为正;种子板块仅神农科技下跌,丰乐种业、荃银高科、*ST敦种超额收益为正。
  • 农业行业:全球玉米库存消费比止升返降,大豆供需格局进一步宽松-USDA_4月供需报告点评
    近日美国农业部公布4 月全球农产品供需平衡报告,与3 月预测相比,主要受预期总消费量调增影响,全球玉米库存消费比止升返降;预期总供应量调增叠加国内总消费量调减,全球大豆库存消费比继续大幅上升;预期总供应量调减叠加总消费量调增,全球棉花和小麦库存消费比均下降。
  • 农林牧渔行业:3月鸡企积极补栏,带动鸡苗价格上涨-点评报告
    据中国禽业协会数据,样本企业3 月白羽鸡父母代鸡苗及商品代鸡苗销量分别为504.73 万套及2.76 亿羽,分别环比变动10.55%及16.30%。截至3 月末,样本企业父母代鸡苗价格38.46 元/套,环比上涨33.41%;商品代鸡苗价格5.18 元/只,环比上涨1.82%。3 月养殖企业补栏规模提升,商品代及父母代鸡苗价格维持相对景气高位,鸡苗企业3 月销售收入环比增加。
  • 农林牧渔行业:USDA下调玉米、小麦期末库存,上调大豆库存-点评报告
    4 月9 日美国农业部发布新一期全球农产品供需预测报告,较前一预测期分别调高2020/21 年度全球玉米、小麦消费量,期末库存相应下调。大豆方面,巴西产量增加,中国大豆压榨量下滑,期末库存上调。稻谷方面,缅甸因素对稻谷局部贸易产生影响,2020/21 年稻谷进出口量小幅下调,但整体影响有限。库存消费比方面,玉米、大豆库存消费比仍处于相对低位,供需偏紧;小麦、稻谷库存消费比较往年均值相对偏宽松。我们预计2021 年全球玉米、大豆仍处供需偏紧状态,中国国内主粮价格预计相对稳定,饲粮价格预计维持高位震荡。
  • 农林牧渔行业:后周期景气,关注饲料、疫苗板块龙头
    农业板块跑赢大盘。1)本期沪深300 指数下跌2.45%,农业板块下跌2.28%,在28 个子行业中排名第24 位;2)本周养猪板块除金新农、罗牛山外均下跌,正邦科技、新五丰、唐人神超额收益均为正;养鸡板块益生股份、民和股份、华英农业上涨,仅圣农发展超额收益为负;饲料板块海大集团下跌,板块超额收益为正;动保板块中牧股份、普莱柯、天康生物下跌,板块均获正超额收益;农产品种植及加工板块仅金龙鱼、苏垦农发超额收益为负;种子板块登海种业、隆平高科、荃银高科超额收益为负。

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