(报告加工时间:2016-07-25 -- 2016-07-31)


  • 通信行业:德国发生恐怖袭击催化专网通信和网络安全,LTE-V有望掀起车联网大风-...
    本周,沪深 300 指数下跌 1.47%,通信行业(申万)上涨 1.69%,在申万一级 28个子行业中,通信板块本周涨幅排名第一。德国慕尼黑发生疑似恐怖袭击枪击案,各国安保系统升级、恐怖袭击提前预警和提前防范成为各国热点关注问题;智能网汽车路线图研究工作已基本完成,即将对外发布, LTE-V 助力车联网爆发;军民融合顶层文件出台,坚定推荐军民融合及军工信息化方向。
  • 通信行业:LTE-V即将完成,智能网联汽车产业前景广阔-周报
    LTE-V 是由大唐、华为、 LG 主推的基于 LTE 蜂窝网络技术的智能网联汽车标准。该标准的推出主要是为了满足智能网联汽车的两个重要应用场景:行车安全和交通优化。这两个应用场景在网络性能上提出了更高的要求:低时延和高可靠性。随着无人驾驶技术路线即将推出,以及美国DSRC 部署时间的临近,我们推测 LTE-V 有望成为我国无人驾驶技术的重要通信标准。
  • 通信&计算机行业:API经济变革世界,云通信连接未来-专题研究报告
    通信+互联网相互渗透,云通信加速成长。 网络数据流量爆发, IP 流量2013~2019 年 CAGR 23%,移动互联网接入流量 2016 年上半年同比增长125%,通信已经成为互联网的基础设施。云通信是指以 API 形式为互联网开发者提供基于电信网络和 IP 方式的通讯技术解决方案和能力调用服务, 有望成为数字时代的“连接器”:(1)整合文字、语音、视频传输能力提供融合通信服务;(2)跨越多家运营商具备全网覆盖能力;(3)打通通信+互联网实现不同场景下的无缝接入。预计到 2017 年云通信全球将达到 456亿美元规模,国内将打开百亿元市场空间。
  • “互联网引领无人机应用新趋势-高端装备(201607)


  • 全球移动票务等市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Mobile ticketing is the process in which customers purchase and obtain tickets using their smartphones or other mobile devices. There are several applications for mobile ticketing, including event ticketing, airline ticketing, transit ticketing, and theater ticketing.
  • 全球文件外包市场报告(2016-2020年)
    In the era of digitalization and information economy, organizations adopt IT solutions for the effective management of large volumes of unorganized enterprise documents. Document management solutions are designed to manage routine files and paperbased documents through digital ECM systems.
  • 欧洲和远程实验室市场报告(2016-2020年)
    As competition in the European labor market intensifies, educators in the continent are struggling to develop pedagogies that can enhance the effectiveness of delivering STEM education lessons. Digitization of education and e-learning have helped achieve this objective to a large extent. Within the available frameworks and tools that are strengthening STEM education, virtual learning platforms and laboratories are extremely helpful. Vendors are capitalizing on digitization and e-learning by incorporating technologically advanced offerings in their portfolio.
  • 全球飞行管理系统市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Flight management system (FMS) is used to operate, control, and monitor the aircraft without continuous supervision by the pilot to enhance its capabilities. It is a specialized computer system that automates a wide variety of in-flight tasks, reduces the aircraft weight and information-management workload, enables power saving, and allows easier interaction with air traffic control to avoid accidents. It reduces overall operating costs and results in the faster training of new pilots.
  • 全球在线语言学习市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Online language learning consists of digital content and solutions that facilitate the learning of languages through ICT tools and platforms, such as mobile apps, e-Books, games, videos, audio clips, digital software, learning lab equipment, and online tutoring. These tools and avenues are interactive, allow real-time feedback, and enhance learning processes as they involve different formats to impart information. Among the languages spoken globally, English has emerged as the most preferred language to learn followed by Mandarin Chinese.
  • 全球通用电子学习课程市场报告(2016-2020年)
    E-learning refers to learning through electronic gadgets, such as PCs, notebooks, and tablets. It is backed by ICT that enables users to learn 24/7 learning from any access point. The curriculum of e-learning includes archived and real-time information. There is no set standard of e-learning method used in the education market. Differentiation is primarily based on the type of content delivered and the mode of instruction, which could be classroom based, virtual, or blended learning environment.
  • 全球云游戏市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Technavio predicts that the global cloud gaming market will grow at a CAGR of 29.33% during 2016-2020. The growth is attributed to the rising population of gamers, increased gamification, and growing adoption of mobile devices. In 2015, the Americas accounted for a prominent share and the US was the chief revenue generating country. G-cluster, NVIDIA, PlayGiga, Sony Computer Entertainment, and Ubisoft Entertainment are some of the leading vendors operating in the market.
  • 全球空中交通管制设备市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Due to the robust growth in the aviation industry, safety has become the priority for airports and airline operators. ATC equipment plays a vital role in the safe operations of carriers, as it provides communications, navigation, and surveillance (CNS) facilities using different equipment for air traffic management (ATM).
  • 全球网络分析市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Network analytics solutions enable network supervisors to understand, visualize, and record activities occurring on the networks. These solutions focus on network and equipment behavior. Network analytics solutions help mobile network operators identify network problems ahead of time. Network operators can also improve their customer strategies and experience with the help of network analytics solutions.
  • 美国实时竞价市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Media consumption has been on the rise globally because individuals own multiple electronic devices. Increasing disposable income and a burgeoning middle-class population are driving the sales of electronic appliances like smartphones, tablets, televisions, notebooks, and PCs. Increased use of electronic devices and internet penetration has raised the amount of time spent by users watching online videos and thus drives media consumption. For instance, in the US, people spend about 80% of their time on different sources of media such as the internet and mobile devices. These dynamics are rapidly shifting advertising expenditure from traditional media platforms to digital platforms. Advertisers are now allocating bigger budgets for online video advertising to ensure better reach, targeting, transparency, and efficiency.


  • 云计算新风口:视频云进入快车道
    回顾 2015 年 ICT 行业,云服务商的市场战略从产品服务提供转移到生态圈建设,从通用标准化的服务转向垂直领域深耕,行业云、视频云、游戏云等多个细分领域平台应用大热且得到资本界的认可与青睐,云计算发展已进入2.0 时代。
  • 现代企事录,谁是数据英雄?
  • 国内外宽带测速机制最新进展与对比分析研究
  • 大数据时代物流企业开展物流金融的优势分析
  • 免疫细胞生产质量信息管理系统的设计与实现
  • 以数字化服务带动新一轮增长

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