(报告加工时间:2017-09-04 -- 2017-12-03)


  • 全球硝酸市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The global nitric acid market is expected to be primarily driven by increasing use of fertilizers. The maximum amount of nitric acid is consumed in producing ammonium nitrate and calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN). However, use of ammonium nitrate is declining in Europe as well as other parts of the world because of concerns relating to nitrate groundwater contamination and changes in agricultural subsidy policies. Urea is emerging as one of the main nitrogen fertilizers, which is less costly, contains more nitrogen, and does not have many safety issues.
  • 全球PTFE膜市场报告(2017-2021年)
    PTFE is a polymer composed of carbon and fluorine. PTFE has a straight, long carbon backbone to which the fluorine atoms are bonded. The carbon backbone is protected by the electron cloud of fluorine atoms that form a uniform helical sheath. Therefore, it forms strong bonds, and the non-polarity of PTFE makes it extremely inert and thermally stable.
  • 全球建筑业平板玻璃市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Flat glass commonly comes in a sheet form and is produced in a flat state. These glass components are mainly used in the construction, automotive, solar glass, and other end-use industries. Flat glass components are used in windows, doors, facades, decorations, windshields, partitions, electronic equipment, interior fittings, and furniture. It is manufactured by the float glass process.


  • 石油化工行业:C3C4涤纶长丝表现突出,整体盈利环比略回落-2017中报总结
    我们整理了 64 家石化上市公司 2017 年中报,2017H1实现营收 2.47万亿元,同比增长33.59%;实现归属于上市公司的净利润 504 亿元,同比增长 195%,表现抢眼。2017Q2石化上市公司营收 1.24 万亿元,环比增长 1.77%,实现归属于上市公司净利润226.31亿元,环比下降18.6%;剔除大体量的石油石化后,石化公司2017Q2实现归属于上市公司的净利润 51.97 亿元,环比下降 5.14%。
  • 化工行业:乘周期之风,沐景气而行-涤纶长丝产业链深度报告
    涤纶长丝产量占化纤总产量 60%以上,品种主要有 POY、DTY、FDY 等,产业链条为“原油-石脑油-PX-PTA-聚酯-涤纶长丝-纺织”,上游涉及石化产品 PX、 PTA 等,下游应用主要为服装、产业用纺织品和装饰领域纺织品等。 

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