(报告加工时间:2017-03-20 -- 2017-03-26)


  • 全球空气质量监测市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The increasing pollution level due to vehicular and industrial emissions is driving the growth of the global air quality monitor market. Governments worldwide have created many monitoring policies and stringent regulations to control air pollution.For instance, the Indian government is planning to install air quality monitoring stations in nine cities in Delhi. With the implementation of these policies, the air pollution in many countries like North America, Europe, and China have significantly reduced.The low-income countries are the untapped potential market for air quality monitor market, which is facing severe air pollution levels as the monitoring policies established by the government are not stringent, and emissions are not controlled.Afghanistan, Madagascar, and Vietnam are highly polluted countries with limited air quality monitoring.In this report, Technavio covers the present scenario and growth prospects of the global air quality monitor market for 2016-2020. The market size has been calculated based on demand for an air quality monitor worldwide. This report also presents the vendor landscape and respective analysis of the top vendors in the market.
  • 全球实验室过滤市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Filtration is a method used to separate or collect a desired solid from a solution, or to remove solid impurities from a liquid. This process is done by passing a contaminated fluid through a membrane, filter paper or any other filtration media, and the pure desired filtrate is obtained on the other end. The filtration media often have a large number of pores of different sizes to filter particles and contaminants of different sizes. Laboratory filtration offerings find applications in a wide range of industries such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, healthcare, chemicals, semi-conductor, and environment monitoring among many others.


  • 环保工程及服务行业:继续推进绿色发展-2017年春季环保行业投资策略
    2016 年全国国有建设用地供应总量 52 万公顷,比上年下降 2.9%;全年水资源总量 30150 亿立方米;在监测的 338 个城市中,城市空气质量达标的城市占 24.9%,未达标的城市占 75.1%。人们对生态环境的关注超过以往,对环境改善的需求也更为迫切。 
  • 环保行业:协同效应显现,水环境板块提速-河长制+PPP系列报告一
  • 环保行业:修订政府工作报告,利好保卫蓝天-周报第82期
    本周国务院对政府工作报告共作出修改与补充 78 处,其中涉及蓝天保卫战的有 8 处,体现治霾决心,符合我们预期。我们认为:1)本次修订,进一步推进电力结构调整,原为优化保障可再生能源,修订为优先保障清洁能源,除力度加强外,还需要注意,清洁能源不仅包括可再生能源,还有完成超低排放的火电也纳入优先范围;另外有针对核电、生物质能等的利好修订。2)补充对重点工业源要确保监控质量,补充强化预警,都利好环境监测的需求。3)增加加强源解析,加强探索成因机理。总体修订进一步直接利好电力超低排放改造、环境监测,间接利好工业源大气污染治理。 
  • 环保工程及服务行业:首单环保类PPP资产证券化项目落地-周报
    3 月 10 日,发改委提供首批 9 单 PPP 资产证券化项目的推荐函,其中包括交通设施、工业园区、水务、固废处理等。3 月 13 日,首创股份污水处理 PPP 资产证券化项目完成发行认购,成为首单落地的环保类 PPP 资产证券化项目。我们认为首单环保类 PPP 资产证券化项目的落地将对后续 PPP 资产证券化起示范效应,拥有能带来稳定现金流的优质水务、固废、供热等运营类公司将最先实现 PPP 资产证券化。

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