(报告加工时间:2019-05-13 -- 2019-05-26)



  • 印度采矿业报告(2019-2023年)
    One important characteristic of the Indian mining industry is that it contains a large number of small operational mines which are mostly in the private sector. These are operated largely by manual labour and without mechanisation, as either proprietary or partnership ventures. According to the Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM), the private sector plays a dominant role in mineral production, accounting for 67% of its total output value as of FY2017. However, in some segments, the state continues to be a major player. The minerals which were wholly mined by the public sector in FY2017 were copper ore and concentrate, diamond, fluorite (graded), selenite, and sulphur. The public sector accounts for 99% of both gold and phosphorite mining, and for 76% of graphite and 54% of magnesite mining. Almost the entire production of sand, lignite and gypsum comes from the public sector as well.


  • 煤炭行业:供需格局稳定,煤价窄幅震荡
    秦港平仓价稳中有涨。5月 17日,秦港动力末煤(5800大卡、5500大卡、5000大卡、4500 大卡)平仓价分别为645、614、522、452 元/吨,周变化0、0、3、0 元/吨。5 月15 日环渤海动力煤价格指数为579 元/吨,周变化0 元/吨。
  • 煤炭行业:2018行业稳中向好,2019Q1业绩超预期上涨-2018年报及 2019 一季报综述
    2018 年合计实现归母净利 841 亿元,同比上涨 1.1%,如果剔除对行业影响较大的中国神华,27 家上市公司,2018 年合计实现归母净利 403 亿元,同比上涨 5.5%,同比业绩的好转主要是由于煤炭价格上涨,以及产销量同比上涨。环比来看,28 家上市公司 2018Q4 归母净利仅为 136 亿元,环比Q3 大幅下降 39.1%;剔除神华后,27 家 2018Q4 归母净利润 50 亿元,环比 Q3 大幅下降 50%,主要是煤炭企业习惯性在四季度计提大额资产减值准备。

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