(报告加工时间:2016-09-18 -- 2016-09-25)


  • 2015年中国虚拟现实行业研究报告
  • 2015Q3中国手机应用商店季度监测报告
  • 2015Q3中国智能路由器市场监测报告
    iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,截止至2015Q3,中国智能路由器累计出货量达434.6万台。本季度智能路由器销量比上季度增长8.1%,增长趋势趋于平稳。
  • 2015年中国手机APP市场研究报告
  • 2015年中国移动营销价值与趋势报告
  • 2015Q3中国手机游戏市场季度监测报告
    iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2015Q3中国移动游戏行业收入约为117.9亿,而腾讯、网易Q3财报显示其移动游戏业务收入分别为53亿和28亿左右,两者相加占整个市场超过六成份额。艾媒咨询分析师认为,随着腾讯、网易等巨头迅速占据大部分手游市场份额,中小CP生存空间进一步被挤压,生存前景不容乐观。
  • 2015Q3中国手机音乐客户端季度监测报告
    2015年3月,阿里数娱宣布,将收购的两款数字音乐平台,技术主打的音乐播放平台天天动听,以及收录大量独立音乐人的虾米音乐进行整合,正式改组成为 “阿里音乐”。7月,阿里巴巴集团宣布,成立阿里音乐集团,高晓松出任董事长,宋柯出任CEO。阿里音乐集团将专注音乐领域,全面整合虾米、天天动听等阿里所有音乐业务,为用户提供更好的产品和服务。
  • 2015Q3中国移动医疗健康市场监测报告
    移动医疗健康的概念源自国外Mobile Health一词,是电子医疗(e-Health)的一个重要分支。早在上世纪90年代,掌上电脑(PDA)被广泛应用于国外医院的数据采集,如体温、脉搏、呼吸、血压数据等,可以说这是移动医疗的雏形。移动医疗健康模式以数据为基础,面向的群体并非严格意义上的病人或患者,而是用户。除了医疗维度的指标检测与分析,还包括对营养、减肥和睡眠等健康维度的管理。


  • 全球相机配件市场报告(2016-2020年)
    A few major camera accessories include lenses, flashguns, bags, cases, straps, supports, and memory cards. Users primarily invest in camera accessories to protect cameras from any physical damage and for improved functionality. Though the unit shipment of digital cameras declines year over year, around 35 million digital still cameras were shipped in 2015. The growing demand for advanced digital cameras across the world is driving the adoption of camera accessories. The increasing demand for smartphones will likely hinder revenue inflow of the camera accessories market as vendors, such as Apple, Samsung, and HTC, are integrating high-megapixel digital cameras in their devices. These cameras eliminate the need for users to invest in digital cameras.
  • 全球公共安全LTE设备市场报告(2016-2020年)
  • 全球卫星转发器市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Transponders receive an electromagnetic or radiofrequency signal from the Earth, amplify it, and send it back to Earth. Transponders are designed to exhibit various functionalities and they work based on a particular frequency band like C, Ku, and Ka. Depending on the signal strength and encoding/decoding techniques used for transmission and reception, a transponder can change the frequency, polarization, and modulation technique for signal regeneration, amplification, and retransmission back to Earth. The speed and centrifugal force of the satellite depend on the distance from the Earth's orbit. The speed and the gravitational pull of the satellite orbiting closer to Earth are higher than the ones that are orbiting farther. Different satellites placed in different orbits require transponders as per their band spectrum such as C, Ku, and Ka, for various communication and broadcasting purposes.
  • 全球娱乐机器人市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Entertainment robots are developed for utilitarian purpose in domestic settings to entertain humans, especially children, elderly, guests, or clients. These robots are equipped with microphones, and can recognize voices and cameras to avoid obstacles and identify faces. They can converse, move, sing, dance, and interact with people. Manufacturers are developing robotic kits that enhance children's knowledge and skills in subjects such as programming, science, and mathematics through design, creation, assembly, and operation of the robots.
  • 全球DJ控制台市场报告(2016-2020年)
    DJ consoles include controllers, mixers, turntables, and media/CD players, and are widely used in clubs, social gatherings, and live events. We expect the global DJ consoles market to grow at a CAGR of 2.32% during the forecast period. The rise in number of live events, which generated a revenue of $2.74 billion in 2015, and the increase in number of DJs are factors that contribute to the market growth.
  • 全球半导体时钟市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The semiconductor market is shifting toward complex and miniaturized devices. Semiconductor device manufacturers need higher inspection sensitivity as they move toward lower node sizes (10nm and beyond). The migration will introduce complex structures and designs, as well as new materials.
  • 亚太地区LED芯片电路板市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Although the traditional surface-mounted device (SMD) LED light sources were energy efficient, they had disadvantages such as the lesser spread of lighting, glare effects, higher heat generation, and low lifespan. COB LEDs are advanced LED lighting sources in which many LEDs are packaged in a single module. These LEDs are manufactured using techniques such as wire bonding, die attachment, and encapsulation. Furthermore, COB LEDs do not require a designated circuit for proper functioning, which makes it easier to install them.



  • 基于校企合作的高职物联网应用技术专业人才培养模式研究
  • 中德智能制造合作试点示范项目展示·产业合作
    自 2012 年华为技术有限公司与 SAP 建立全球技术合作伙伴关系以来,双方一直紧密地聚合技术和市场能力,整合双方的优势产品,并在多个领域开展前瞻性研究,结合华为在信息与通信技术( ICT)基础设施上丰富的专业经验和 SAP 领先的企业级软件产品,为市场打造全新解决方案。    

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