(报告加工时间:2020-12-28 -- 2021-02-28)


  • 全球混合面料市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Hybrid fabrics is multilayer laminate that consists of more than one type of structural fiber. The hybrid fabrics consist of multiple fabrics including carbon/glass, glass/aramid, and carbon/aramid. The selection of hybrid fabrics solely depends on the specific application, such as for aerospace & defense and carbon/aramid fabrics are preferred for high temperature applications. The report focuses on hybrid fabrics and its major applications, including aerospace & defense, automotive, and wind energy. It analyzes the current market trends of hybrid fabrics and related products in different geographies and suggests the future growth opportunities for key market players. In addition, it highlights numerous factors that influence the growth of the global market such as key drivers, restraints, growth opportunities, and the role of different key players. Market segmentation based on fabric types of hybrid fabrics such as carbon/glass, glass/aramid, and carbon/aramid is also included, along with the quantitative data in terms of both value and volume.
  • 全球银纳米颗粒市场报告(2020-2027年)
    silver nanoparticles are one of the most commonly used nanomaterials because of their high electrical conductivity, optical properties, and anti-microbial properties. The biological activity of silver nanoparticles depends on factors such as particle composition, size distribution, surface chemistry, size; shape, coating/capping, particle morphology, dissolution rate, agglomeration, efficiency of ion release, and particle reactivity in solution.The report focuses on types of synthesis method such as wet chemistry, ion implantation, and biological synthesis. Moreover, the market is also studied based on the shape of silver nanoparticles such as sphere, platelet, rods, colloidal silver particles, and others. The applications covered in the study include healthcare and life sciences, textiles, electronics and IT, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, water treatment, and others. Furthermore, the study evaluates the current market trends and suggests future growth opportunities by analyzing government regulations & policies.
  • 全球BTX和烃分离吸附剂市场分析和预测(2019-2025年)
    The demand for cleaner fuels has been increasing exponentially in colder regions as cleaner fuels have lower freezing points and lower densities. Due to these reasons, the automobiles that use fuel have increased the demand for cleaner fuels as they help eliminate the start-up problems during cold seasons. Countries such as Canada and the U.S. face these difficulties as the temperature during winters reaches as low as -10oC. Cleaner fuels also result in more efficient engine performance, which is a concerning matter, especially in cold seasons, when there is a minimal but effective contraction in the engine. This contraction leads to lowered performance due to ineffective fuel combustion and power generation. Countries such as Canada have implemented “Clean Fuel Standards,” which define the allowed impurity levels in the fuels. This also helps in reducing greenhouse effects as the engines become more efficient. The standards implemented in 2016, were aimed at controlling the carbon emissions by fuel economy.


  • EVA行业:光伏带动需求大增,进口替代指日可待-研究报告
    乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物(EVA)主要分为光伏料、发泡料、电缆料,占比分别为32%、32%、17%。EVA 胶膜是光伏封装组件关键材料,带动EVA 光伏料需求增长。我们乐观预计2022 年全球光伏组件出货量293 GW,EVA 树脂需求约95 万吨,CAGR 为32.7%;2025 年全球光伏组件出货量470 GWh,EVA 树脂需求约138 万吨,CAGR 为20.7%。EVA 光伏料生产为超高压工艺,工艺较复杂,技术垄断性强,国内现有的EVA发泡料、线缆料企业转产难度极大,国内新增EVA 树脂产能中,一年内无新增光伏级产能投放。受益于光伏电池装机量快速增长,2021 年供需紧张格局进一步加剧,价格有望持续上行。
  • 化学纤维行业:供需格局良好、新增产能有限,需求边际大幅改善或带动化纤走向反转
    um国ma内ry#化 纤需求已修复至正常水平。化纤产品为纺织品的重要原材料。因受疫情冲击,2020 年上半年化纤需求走弱。随后国内通过科学防疫有效遏制疫情蔓延,化纤需求随之复苏。2020 年全年国内服装、鞋帽及针纺织品类零售额同比下滑8.10%。

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