(报告加工时间:2017-05-15 -- 2017-05-21)


  • 医药汇编-第724期
    近日,国务院办公厅印发《关于推进医疗联合体建设和发展的指导意见》,《意见》明确 2017 年 6 月底前各省(区、市)都要明确推进医联体建设的工作方案,10 月底前所有三级公立医院都要启动医联体建设工作。
  • 医药竞争情报-第644期
    谈中国的医药产业创新,上海张江是一个绕不过的地方。面积仅占张江高科园区 1/10 的张江药谷是医药创始人考虑在中国创业时最先想到的地方。这里是众多明星药企再鼎医药、药明康德等最初发迹的地方,在一期、二期共约 3 平方公里的土地上,已经有 700 余家企业来了又走,在张江目前聚集的 500 多家创业企业和研究机构中,有大量的科技型创新主体继续在这里以 10-20人的规模起步。


  • 全球流动外科中心市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The ASCs conduct surgeries in outpatient settings to help patients save on cost and duration of the treatment. This is a quickly growing healthcare provider setting, which has advanced operating equipment, specialist surgeons, operating and recovery rooms. Also, compared to hospitals, these facilities have a lesser risk of hospital acquired infections (HAIs). In hospitals, around 29% of the surgical site infection cases were observed in 2014, which increased the hospital stay and cost the patient $25,000 per admission. ASCs maintain procedures to ensure prevention of infection as recommended by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
  • 全球人造胰腺装置系统市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Artificial organs are human-made bioartificial devices, which are implanted or integrated into individuals to replace or support natural organs. These include artificial heart, kidney, pancreas, and cochlear implants. Biocompatible materials such as polymers (polyurethane, polysulfone, and porous polypropylene), biologics, ceramics, and metals are used to develop artificial organs. These organs are incorporated with different technologies like sensors, biomaterials, and innovative delivery systems. Artificial organs perform the function of the natural organ and help the patient to live a quality life. In few cases, artificial organs are capable of eliminating the need for organ transplantation altogether.


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