(报告加工时间:2018-05-21 -- 2018-05-27)



  • 中国农业问题报告与分析-第452期
    据澎湃新闻报道,4 月 27 日国家召开了相关专题会议,研究调整种植结构扩大大豆种植面积问题,明确提出要扩大大豆种植面积。对此有分析认为,由于中美贸易争端前景不明,中国对美加征关税导致美豆进口受阻,而南美大豆难以迅速满足中国需求,因此将扩大国内大豆种植作为政治任务进行部署,以期弥补可能出现的大豆供需缺口。


  • 智利农业部门报告(2018-2019年)
    Despite having relatively small arable land area, Chile's agriculture, livestock and fisheries sector is well developed and diversified, making the country a key global player in some segments such as grapes, apples, blueberries, walnuts, poultry meat and salmon. Since 2015, the sector has emerged as one of the drivers of the Chilean economy, growing twice as fast as the country’s GDP. As a result, in 2016, it accounted for 3.9% of the national output and for approximately 14% of total formal employment. The sector is particularly important for Chile in terms of foreign currency generation, with a 20.5% share in national exports and a trade surplus of USD 9.5bn in 2016.
  • 全球人造草坪市场报告(2017-2023年)
    Artificial turf is a surfacing material that is used as a substitute to natural grass. These turfs are generally used either at places where grass cannot be grown or events that require durable grass surfaces. Sports stadiums and arenas are the major end users of artificial turfs. However, landscaping and other green buildings also utilize such turfs. Artificial grass fibers are made from polymers such as polyethylene, polypropylene, and polyamide. Each of these polymers comes with its own characteristics and qualities. The report on global artificial turf market exclusively focuses on different types of artificial turfs available in the market. It analyses the government regulations and policies to provide information on the current market trends across various geographies and identify future growth opportunities. In addition, the report covers the overall value of the different types of materials used for manufacturing artificial turfs across the globe.
  • 匈牙利农业部门市场报告(2018-2019年)
    Hungarian agriculture accounted for 2.1% of the EU’s agricultural output in 2016, up by 0.2 pp y/y. The agricultural sector accounted for 3.8% of the country’s total GDP and for 4.4% of the total gross value added (GVA). GVA generated in agriculture increased by 3.43% y/y from HUF 1,273bn in 2015 to HUF 1,317bn in 2016. Agricultural area in 2016 was 5.349mn ha, slightly above the 5.347mn ha in 2015. According to Central Statistical Office estimates, in 2016 there were 416,000 individual farms and 9,000 commercial farms. The average size of individual farms was 7.6 ha, which shows the large fragmentation of the Hungarian agricultural sector, even though the figure increased from the 5.6 ha in the previous farm survey from 2013. The average size of an agricultural enterprise was 253 ha in 2016, down from 310 ha in 2013.


  • 农业行业:禽链大周期反转确立,坚定配置肉鸡板块-2018年中期投资策略
    农业指数跑输沪深300,各子板块表现差强人意。2018 年初至今,申万农业指数下跌4.62%,跑输沪深300 指数1.45 个百分点,农业在申万28 个子行业中排名第10 位,农业占股票投资市值比重,以及农业板块绝对、相对估值都处于底部水平。农业各子板块表现差强人意,年初至今涨幅从高到低依次为农业综合(1.1%)、畜禽养殖(-1.9%)、饲料(-2.4%)、农产品加工(-3.8%)、种植业(-7.7%)、动物保健(-8.7%)、渔业(-12.8%)、林业(-19.8%)。

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