(报告加工时间:2020-08-24 -- 2020-08-30)



  • 全球巡航导弹市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    Over the years, the influence of missiles in modern warfare strategies have increased, and countries have started emphasizing on preserving missile systems in their armory. Following the theory of deterrence and mutually-assured destruction, countries are procuring and developing more lethal cruise missiles having high speeds and ranges. From a strategic perspective, the possession of such lethal missiles will help the countries in keeping their potential adversaries at bay. Compared to ballistic missiles, cruise missiles are cheaper, more mobile, and more versatile. In addition, their low probability of interception due to their unpredictable flight path and and changeable trajectory, coupled with their capability to stay close to the ground evading a majority of radar systems, are some of the reasons for their increased preference for a variety of missions.
  • 全球定向能源武器系统市场
    Directed energy weapons (DEWs) is largely defined as those weapons which produce high power beam of concentrated energy in the form of electromagnetic, atomic, and sub-atomic particles, which is used to damage or destroy objects or eliminate human adversaries. Directed energy weapon systems are primarily classified into three technologies: high-power laser, high-power microwave and neutral particle beam. High power laser technology contributed 88.68% of market share in 2019, but the growth of high-power microwave technology is expected to be high due to the inexpensive development and operation cost as compared to high power lasers. Moreover, neutral particle beam technology is currently in the theoretical stage and adequate research is needed for further development of the prototype.


  • 环保及公用事业行业:江苏发文加快生态环境治理现代化建设,着力打造环境治理样本区
    江苏发文加快生态环境治理现代化建设,着力打造环境治理样本区、引领区。日前,江苏省印发•关于推进生态环境治理体系和治理能力现代化的实施意见‣。提出到2025 年,生态环境治理体系和治理能力显著提升,努力建成最严密法治最严格制度保护生态环境的示范区、突出环境问题系统治理的标杆区、全社会共同推进生态文明建设的样板区、生态环境治理体系和治理能力现代化建设的引领区。

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