(报告加工时间:2016-11-07 -- 2016-11-20)


  • 全球大豆甜点市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The demand for soy desserts has increased owing to soy's numerous health benefits. Soy desserts are rich in fiber and a great source of proteins and nutrients, such as vitamin B and omega-3 fatty acids. Food products containing soy protein serve as alternatives to meat and other animal-based products that contain cholesterol and saturated fat. Soy is also known for its ability to reduce blood cholesterol levels. In addition, soy milk is gaining immense popularity among lactose-intolerant people, and it significantly contains less fats and cholesterol, carbohydrates when compared to dairy milk. Soy desserts, a product of soy milk, mainly include soy-pudding, soy cream, soy pies and soy cakes, soy pastries, and soy cheesecake.
  • 全球食品和色拉调味品市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Food and salad dressings are used for garnishing and enhancing the taste of food products, especially salads, burgers, sandwiches, and other snack items. Some of the widely used dressings are mayonnaise, red wine oil, and vinegar and Caesar, Italian, and Russian dressings.
  • 全球爆米花机市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The global popcorn machine market will witness an increase in demand with the rise in consumption of homemade popcorn. Increased product developments in terms of new flavors and packaging are helping vendors to penetrate the market. People have started buying popcorn in larger quantities and and at a greater frequency. In 2014, the US dominated the global popcorn market and accounted for 60% of the retail sales. The demand for popcorn as a healthy snack alternative is driving the market in North America. Also, there is a rise in demand for popcorn in emerging countries in APAC, where consumers snack regularly, and have preference for local flavors. As the market for popcorn grows, the global popcorn machine market will also see a surge in demand from consumers in the residential sector.


  • 食品饮料行业:奶价周期,大势初起-原奶周期演进史专题研究
    国际原奶价格周期一般为三年,近十年来国际奶价已经历了三个完整的周期。新一轮国际奶价周期性筑底已完成,奶价上涨已经开始。国际奶价 06-09 年初为第一个周期,09-12 年中为第二个周期,12 年中至 16 年中为第三个周期。当前全球奶价复苏信号增强,主要归因主产国缩产调整趋一致及主要进口国需求的反弹。
  • 食品饮料行业:茅台酒2017年有望放量,克明面业外延预期增强-周报
    11 月 4 日京东网数据显示:52 度剑南春价格 359 元/瓶,周环比上涨2.87%。53 度 500ml 飞天茅台终端价为 1099 元/瓶,52 度五粮液价格829 元/瓶,52 度洋河梦之蓝 M3 价格 488 元/瓶,均与上周前持平。11月 4 日,张裕干红(特选蛇龙珠)一号店价格 108 元/瓶,较上周上涨22.73%;拉菲传奇 AOC 级干红(赤霞珠、梅洛)一号店价格 59.9 元/瓶,较上周下跌 11.91%。

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