(报告加工时间:2022-05-05 -- 2022-06-12)



  • 全球商业无人机系统展望2021年
    Autonomy and artificial intelligence (AI) are, and will remain, the main drivers promoting commercial UAS adoption and associated market growth. Autonomous flight reduces the need for expensive manpower whereas AI-driven data collection and processing reduces the time it takes to produce results that directly impact decision-making.
  • 全球遮阳帆市场报告(2022-2027年)
    Shade sails are a cover made from durable outdoor fabric that delivers protection from the sun. They use a flexible membrane tensioned between several anchor points. Shade sails are affordable as well as easy to install. In addition, it provides an appealing look to houses, heritage buildings, commercial as well as industrial areas. Shade sails come in several shapes, sizes, and colors as per individual requirements. Most of the shade sails block 90−95% of the UV rays. Depending on the shade material weight color and the tightness of the weave, there are some variations in UV absorption. However, the differences are usually less than 5%. For maximum sun protection, heavier fabric with a tighter weave and darker colors is preferred as the darker colors usually block most of the UV rays.


  • 军工行业:火然泉达,日升月恒-军工产业链2021年财务数据分析
    军工企业2021 年年报已披露完毕,我们选取54 家核心军工企业并按照产业链分为总装类、电子配套类和材料配套类三类来进行财务数据整理分析。经统计,2021 年军工行业54 家核心企业整体营业收入合计为4,256.34 亿元,同比增长14.56%,归母净利润合计为273.35 亿元,同比增长34.45%,行业整体业绩保持较快增长。具体来看,2021 年总装类、电子配套类、材料配套类企业营业收入增速分别为11.54%、17.02%、29.75%,归母净利润增速分别为15.48%、36.62%、58.89%,均依次递增。上游业绩增速最高,体现了军工上游企业的高景气,高景气未来将进一步向中下游传导。从估值水平来看,目前板块已调整至2013 年水平,处于军工板块近10 年来较低位置,且基金持仓比例也处于低配状态。

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