(报告加工时间:2022-05-23 -- 2022-06-05)


  • 全球工业胶粘剂和密封剂的增长机会
    Imaging CRO: An imaging contract research organization also known as iCRO is an organization that provides medical imaging services during the process of drug development. Imaging CROs are the CROs dedicated to providing imaging trials services for different indications. These CROs also act as a third-party or outsourcing body when working in collaboration with another CRO that does not offer imaging trial services. Such organizations provide services to pharma, biotech, and medical device companies based on their own or their consumers' designs, formulas, and specifications.
  • 全球神经酰胺市场预测报告(2020-2027年)
    Ceramide is a type of lipid complex, which can be found in various glycolipids. Natural sources of ceramide include various plants such as rice, wheat, and soybean plants. It is widely used in cosmetics products to improve skin appearance and skin hydration rate. This study provides information on the application of ceramide in cosmetics, food, and other applications. The study is segmented on the basis of type (natural and synthetic), process (fermentation ceramide and plant extract ceramide), and application (cosmetics, food, and others). Additionally, the report also includes key drivers, restraints, and opportunities in the market. The study also includes in-depth information of value chain analysis and patent analysis in the market.


  • 稀土行业:补库需求支撑价格,关注稀土产业链反弹-半月谈(5月上)-
    重稀土、轻稀土价格企稳回升。中国稀土行业协会数据显示,5 月 1 日至5 月 16 日,重稀土主要产品中,氧化镝最低价为 262.0 万元/吨,双周涨跌幅为+1.95%;轻稀土氧化物中,氧化镨钕最低交易价格为 90.5 万元/吨,双周涨跌幅+7.74%;氧化镨最低交易价格 90.5 万元/吨,双周涨跌幅+5.23%;氧化钕最低交易价格 92.5 万元/吨,双周涨跌幅为+5.59%。
  • 基础化工行业:全球农药行业景气如何?-天风问答系列
    全球农药市场主要集中在跨国公司,八大农化企业合计占全球市场份额的比 例超80%(2020 年),其中包括四大创制药企业(先正达、拜耳、科迪华、 巴斯夫)以及四大仿制药企业(安道麦、UPL、富美实、纽发姆)。
  • 化工行业:看好三氯氢硅、纯碱、磷化工、EVA的景气度-2022年6月投资策略
    我们持续推荐以三氯氢硅、EVA、纯碱等为代表的光伏上游材料的投资方向。去年年底以来,随着多套多晶硅装置的投产,大幅拉动了三氯氢硅的需求,根据百川盈孚消息,三氯氢硅继续大幅调涨,光伏级产品价格上涨至27000 元/吨以上,商家报价达到28000-30000 元/吨。目前单月多晶硅月度产量已经达到5 万吨以上,未来还将保持较高的环比增速,因此多晶硅新装置投产和存量产能的日常补氯将大幅拉升三氯氢硅的需求,而今年光伏级三氯氢硅的供给非常有限,我们看好未来多晶硅产能持续投放下三氯氢硅的行业高景气度。

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