(报告加工时间:2014-07-28 -- 2014-08-04)



  • 2014年7月(下半月)医药行业要闻综述
    《南方都市报》报道,7月23日,据中国非处方药协会消息,发改委已起草征求意见稿,有意放开非处方药、非医保目录等药品价格,实行市场调节,由企业自主定价。 该征求意见稿显示,放开药品价格的范围包括医保目录外的中国物质专利药品、医保目录外血液制品、零售药店出售的医保目录非处方药品、医保目录中药品通用名下不报销的药品剂型、国家统一收购的计生药具和国家免疫规划疫苗5类品种。前述品种取消政府定价,由生产经营企业根据市场供给自主定价。也就是说零售药店的非处方药(医保内、医保外所有品种)、医保外的专利药、血液制品拟全部放开价格。
  • 医药汇编-第584期
  • 医药竞争情报-第505期
  • 2014年1-6月医药行业运行分析


  • 全球尼古丁口香糖市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Nicotine gum is a smoking cessation product that helps smokers to slowly get off nicotine. Nicotine released from chewing nicotine gum is absorbed into the blood stream through the linings of the mouth. Nicotine gums help the human body battle the strong urges for nicotine after cutting down on cigarettes. They are available in various dosages and can be consumed according to the level of addiction.
  • 全球类风湿关节炎药物市场报告(2014-2018年)
    RA is a chronic disease that leads to inflammation and pain of joints, tissues that surround the joints, and other organs. It can occur at any age, even in children, which is known as juvenile arthritis. RA symptoms begin slowly, usually with mild pain around the joints coupled with stiffness and fatigue, and in the later stages it causes inflammation of the joints. The disease is three times more common in women than men. Genetic and environmental elements are known to contribute to the development of RA.
  • 全球尼古丁贴片市场报告(2014-2018年)
  • 全球眼科诊断设备市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Maintenance of standard vision is important as an eye is a vital sensory organ.


  • 利用光能治疗乳腺癌
    Our objective is to exploit the wealth of physiological, metabolic, morphological and molecular sources of optical contrast to develop novel strategies that focus on two breast cancer applications: tumor margin assessment and prediction of response to neo-adjuvant therapy. The proposed aims of this grant are expected to result in three major contributions. The first has the most immediate impact. An optically based strategy that can quickly and non-destructively detect positive tumor margins will decrease the need for re-excision surgery and thereby decrease the local recurrence rate and rate of distant metastases in women electing BCS. Gaining insight into the physiological, metabolic, morphological and molecular sources of heterogeneity within and among tumors and how they are modulated by therapy, drug resistance and metastatic potential will directly benefit prognostication, prediction of outcome and planning of cancer therapies. With these tools, clinicians and clinical researchers can get a better understanding of this disease and how it might react to a drug. Basic science researchers could use it as an informed approach to study tumor biology and assay the effect of novel therapeutic agents in vivo.
  • 卵巢癌醛脱氢酶细胞群的描述和定位
    Despite a common outstanding response to primary therapy, most ovarian cancer patients will experience recurrence due to what is often microscopic undetectable disease. One possible cause of this is a chemoresistant population of cells with stem cell characteristics. We have examined one potential population in particular, the ALDH-positive population. We have shown that ALDH1A1-positive cells are more tumorigenic than ALDH1A1- negative cells, contribute to poor patient outcomes, and contribute to chemoresistance. Importantly, these effects can be reversed by downregulating ALDH1A1 expression with nanoparticle-delivered siRNA. Additionally, we have shown that CSCs are clinically significant, in that chemoresistant tumors have increased density of ALDH and CD133 cells. Thus they likely represent at least part of the chemoresistant population within a heterogeneous tumor. Importantly, they do not seem to explain the entire story, as there are still many CSC-negative cells present at the conclusion of treatment. Additional studies will be performed to determine which other cell types may be present in chemoresistant tumors, and which pathways or mechanisms may be mediating this resistance.


  • 2014年2季度医药行业政策环境分析

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