(报告加工时间:2017-09-18 -- 2017-10-08)



  • 行业月度报告-有色201708
    8 月,在供给侧改革加速推进下,我国十种有色金属月度产量降至一年最低点;世界经济整体运行向好,市场需求回升,有色金属产品进出口均实现上涨;国内有色金属供需基本面得到改善,利好因素推动有色金属价格强势上涨;有色金属工业企业效益继续回升,不过利润增速逐月放缓。随着去产能的提速、违规产能的停建,产能过剩的冶炼项目投资明显下降,同时新旧动能转换依旧乏力,行业投资继续呈下滑态势,降幅较上月略有缩小。


  • 全球基于金属材料的3D打印市场报告(2017-2021年)
    3D printing is a technique in which a scanned or digitally designed object is formed into a three-dimensional solid using an additive process. In this process, metal is applied in successive layers with very less wastage. 3D printing products are built from materials that are alternatives to conventional plastic and metals. The global metal-based 3D printing market will grow at a rapid rate during the forecast period.The growth is attributable to the emerging demand from the aerospace and healthcare industry.3D printing metals help in achieving complex geometries, extreme requirements,and weight reduction for the aerospace industry. Fuel nozzles and guide vanes arebeing produced using the technique.
  • 全球金属涂料市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Metal coating is a layer of metal applied to the surface of any object for enhancing its appearance, durability, and corrosion and wear resistance, thereby increasing its value. Different metals used for coating are zinc, zinc-aluminum alloy, zinc-silicon alloy,or pure aluminum. This process is usually batch processes, where the metal objects are dipped and taken out from bath to achieve desirable finishing and properties of the particular metal used for coating. Metal coatings are primarily used to prevent corrosion of the metal, which is caused by pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide released during the burning of oil, coal, and chlorides from de-icing salts.
  • 全球铂类金属市场报告(2017-2021年)
    PGMs consist of six chemical elements, which include platinum, palladium, rhodium,ruthenium, osmium, and iridium that are clustered together in the periodic table.These elements are called transition metals, and they have similar physical and chemical properties and appear in the d-block (groups 8, 9, and 10 and periods 5 and 6) of the periodic table.In this report, Technavio covers the present scenario and growth prospects of the global platinum group metals (PGMs) market for 2017-2021. It also provides an indepth study of PGMs, applications, drivers, challenges, trends, and major vendors operating in the market.
  • 全球金属冲压市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Metals form an important component of many manufacturing and end-user industries.Industries such as the automotive, aerospace,machinery, and consumer appliances use metals such as steel, aluminum, and cast iron as basic components. The process of applying pressure on sheet metal to obtain the desired industry product is known as metal stamping. Metal stamping can be either carried out by punching or pressing the metal sheet. Metal stamping involves different processes. 


  • 有色金属行业:雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越-电解铝行业专题报告
    中国电解铝产量从2003 年的549 万吨上涨至2016 年的3200 万吨,近14 年产量翻了5 倍,铝价从2005 年的最高点25000 元吨下跌至2015 年的历史最低点9820 元/吨,跌幅达60%。造成这一现象的根本原因在于不合规(孤网运行、少缴或不缴政府性基金及附加)自备电厂的存在拉低电解铝行业边际成本。为数不少的电解铝企业通过将火电的负外部性和理应承担的社会责任转化成企业竞争过程中的超额利润。而超额利润的存在进而又推动该类企业产能投资冲动。这是过去几年国内电解铝价格越跌、产能越扩的根本原因所在。
  • 有色金属行业:铝产业链+锂电材料,回调是入仓良机!-动态报告
    环保冬季限产政策再度超预期,坚定看好铝和预焙阳极投资机会:环保部大气环境管理司区域协调与重污染天气应对处副处长张昊龙表示:环保限产30%与违规产能关停将不会重叠,前期关掉的产能为违规运行产能,后续随着违规运行产能关停和京津冀及周边地区“2+26+3 城”环保限产双重叠加,电解铝减产趋势不可逆!

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