(报告加工时间:2022-09-27 -- 2022-10-09)


  • 全球采矿采石和工程机械行业报告到2026年
    This class includes: Manufacture of continuous-action elevators and conveyors for underground use Manufacture of boring, cutting, sinking and tunnelling machinery (whether or not for underground use) Manufacture of machinery for treating minerals by screening, sorting, separating, washing, crushing etc. Manufacture of concrete and mortar mixers Manufacture of earth-moving machinery: Bulldozers, angle-dozers, graders, scrapers, levellers, mechanical shovels, shovel loaders etc. Manufacture of pile drivers and pile extractors, mortar spreaders, bitumen spreaders, concrete surfacing machinery etc. Manufacture of tracklaying tractors and tractors used in construction or mining Manufacture of bulldozer and angle-dozer blades Manufacture of off-road dumping trucks
  • 全球光学仪器和摄影器材行业报告到2026年
    Manufacture of lenses and prisms Manufacture of optical microscopes, binoculars and telescopes Manufacture of optical mirrors Manufacture of optical magnifying instruments Manufacture of optical machinist's precision tools Manufacture of optical comparators Manufacture of optical gun sighting equipment Manufacture of optical positioning equipment Manufacture of optical measuring and checking devices and instruments (e.g. fire control equipment, photographic light meters,
  • 全球金属成型机械和机床行业报告到2026年
    Manufacture of machine tools for working metals and other materials (wood, bone, stone, hard rubber, hard plastics, cold glass etc.), including those using a laser beam, ultrasonic waves, plasma arc, magnetic pulse etc. Manufacture of machine tools for turning, drilling, milling, shaping, planing, boring, grinding etc. Manufacture of stamping or pressing machine tools Manufacture of punch presses, hydraulic presses, hydraulic brakes, drop hammers, forging machines etc. Manufacture of draw-benches, thread rollers or machines for working wires Manufacture of stationary machines for nailing, stapling, glueing or otherwise assembling wood, cork, bone, hard rubber or plastics etc.
  • 全球食品饮料和烟草加工机械行业报告到2026年
    This class includes: Manufacture of agricultural dryers Manufacture of machinery for the dairy industry: Cream separators Milk processing machinery (e.g. homogenizers) Milk converting machinery (e.g. butter chums, butter workers and moulding machines) Cheese-making machines (e.g. homogenizers, moulders, presses) etc. Manufacture of machinery for the grain milling industry:
  • 全球电气照明设备行业报告到2026年
    This class includes: Manufacture of discharge, incandescent, fluorescent, ultra-violet, infra-red etc. lamps, fixtures and bulbs Manufacture of ceiling lighting fixtures Manufacture of chandeliers Manufacture of table lamps (i.e. lighting fixture) Manufacture of Christmas tree lighting sets Manufacture of electric fireplace logs Manufacture of flashlights Manufacture of electric insect lamps Manufacture of lanterns (e.g. carbide, electric, gas, gasoline, kerosene) Manufacture of spotlights Manufacture of street lighting fixtures (except traffic signals) Manufacture of lighting equipment for transportation equipment (e.g. for motor vehicles, aircraft, boats) Manufacture of non-electrical lighting equipment
  • 全球烤箱熔炉和炉燃烧器行业报告到2026年
    This class includes: Manufacture of electrical and other industrial and laboratory furnaces and ovens, including incinerators Manufacture of burners Manufacture of permanent mount electric space heaters, electric swimming pool heaters Manufacture of permanent mount non-electric household heating equipment, such as solar heating, steam heating, oil heat and similar furnaces and heating equipment Manufacture of electric household-type furnaces (electric forced air furnaces, heat pumps, etc.), non-electric household forced air furnaces
  • 全球电机发电机和变压器行业报告到2026年
    This class includes: Manufacture of distribution transformers, electric Manufacture of arc-welding transformers Manufacture of fluorescent ballasts (i.e. transformers) Manufacture of substation transformers for electric power distribution Manufacture of transmission and distribution voltage regulators Manufacture of electric motors (except internal combustion engine starting motors) Manufacture of power generators (except battery charging alternators for internal combustion engines) Manufacture of motor generator sets (except turbine generator set units) Manufacture of prime mover generator sets Rewinding of armatures on a factory basis Manufacture of power circuit breakers Manufacture of surge suppressors (for distribution level voltage) Manufacture of control panels for electric power distribution Manufacture of electrical relays Manufacture of duct for electrical switchboard apparatus Manufacture of electric fuses Manufacture of power switching equipment Manufacture of electric power switches (except pushbutton, snap, solenoid, tumbler)
  • 全球起重和搬运设备行业报告到2026年
    This class includes: Manufacture of hand-operated or power-driven lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery: Pulley tackle and hoists, winches, capstans and jacks Derricks, cranes, mobile lifting frames, straddle carriers etc. Works trucks, whether or not fitted with lifting or handling equipment, whether or not self-propelled, of the type used in factories (including hand trucks and wheelbarrows) Mechanical manipulators and industrial robots specifically designed for lifting, handling, loading or unloading Manufacture of conveyors, telfers (téléphériques) etc. Manufacture of lifts, escalators and moving walkways Manufacture of parts specialized for lifting and handling equipment
  • 全球发动机和涡轮机行业报告到2026年
    This class includes: Manufacture of internal combustion piston engines, except motor vehicle, aircraft and cycle propulsion engines: Marine engines Railway engines Manufacture of pistons, piston rings, carburetors and such for all internal combustion engines, diesel engines etc. Manufacture of inlet and exhaust valves of internal combustion engines Manufacture of turbines and parts thereof: Steam turbines and other vapour turbines Hydraulic turbines, waterwheels and regulators thereof Wind turbines Gas turbines, except turbojets or turbo propellers for aircraft propulsion Manufacture of boiler-turbine sets Manufacture of turbine-generator sets


  • 电力设备行业:小鹏G9增配性价比凸显,光伏供需边际改善
    据小鹏官微,9 月21日小鹏G9 正式上市,售价30.99-46.99 万元,预计将于10 月开启交付。G9 首搭800V SiC 高压电驱平台,可实现CLTC 续航里程702km。G9 首搭全场景5D 音乐座舱与基于3D UI 的人机交互系统,同时高端车型搭载双英伟达Orin 芯片和31 个感知元器件,智能化技术领跑同行业。9 月23 日小鹏汽车针对G9 进行了定价与配置优化,我们认为小鹏G9 承接公司品牌向上重任,围绕“超快充+智能化”策略开拓新能源中大型SUV 市场,此次车型定价与配置优化凸显了小鹏以客户为中心的经营理念,使得G9 车型定价区间更加明确,有望推动销量增长。
  • 电力设备与新能源行业:8月欧洲新能车市平稳,渗透率再攀新高-EV观察系列123
    外部干扰因素余波尚存叠加季度性影响,欧洲整体乘用车销量呈同升环降,新能车销量呈同降环升,新能车实现进一步渗透,渗透率达23.69%,同升1.7Pcts。基于八国数据测算,8 月欧洲新能车销量预计达15.5 万辆,同比下降0.44%,环比增长1.81%,渗透率达23.69%。2022 年,八个主要车市销量在欧洲总体新能源车市场占比约84%。从销量上看,德国领跑欧洲车市,单月新能车销量实现5.6 万辆。除挪威销量同比下降26.11%外,其余国家均同比增长,意大利和荷兰表现最为突出,上升超20%;英国、法国、意大利、西班牙销量环比下降,其余四国上升,其中英国环比下跌26%,挪威大幅环涨77%。
  • 电力设备与新能源行业:产业链价格博弈关键期,22Q4旺季到来-光伏2022年9月专题报告
  • 电力设备与新能源行业:新能车前沿技术之四,复合箔材-专题研究
  • 电力设备新能源行业:2050年可再生能源发电占比3倍提升空间,坚定看好风光主力成长确定性
    事件:9月18日,联合国秘书长古特雷斯在全球契约理事会会议上表 示:气候灾害和飞涨的燃料价格使得“结束我们对化石燃料的全球依 赖”的必要性变得非常明确,可再生能源在全球发电量中的份额必须 从今天的近30%,到2030 年增加到60%以上,到2050 年增加到90% 以上。
  • 机械设备行业:机械板块变化几何-22年年中总结
  • 机械设备行业:船舶发展概览
    船舶是能航行或停泊于水域进行运输或作业的交通工具,按不同的使用要求而具有不同的技术性能、装备和结 构型式。按照国际主要船只分类,可分为集装箱船、散装船、油轮。①集装箱船是装载规格统一的标准货箱(称 为集装箱)的货船;②散货船是指装运输谷物、煤、矿砂、盐、水泥等大宗干散货物的船舶的统称;③油船是运 输散装石油及成品油的液货船。
  • 电力设备与新能源行业:换电渗透率提升,进入快速发展期-专题研究
    换电参与方主要包括换电站运营方、电池银行和换电车主(乘用车及商用车主),产业链各环节的商业模式走向成熟,经济性逐渐显现。换电站主要赚取电费差+服务费,即度电售价和成本之差,服务频率和单价共同决定运营端的利润水平,面向 C 端车主和 B 端客户,采取包月套餐收费或按换电度数(行驶里程)收费两种方式。电池银行是电池的所有者及管理者,业务为电池租赁和电池管理,主要获取电池资产租赁带来的固定收益,以及电池梯次利用、储能等获得的其他收益。对于车主来说,节省购车、保养及电费成本。

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