(报告加工时间:2021-08-23 -- 2021-08-29)



  • 全球血液动力学监测设备市场分析与预测(2021-2030年)
    The global hemodynamic monitoring devices market have been influenced by various technological trends. Each trend has robust growth potential in either short-, mid-, or long-term duration in the market. The following table represents the key technological trends that have influenced the global hemodynamic monitoring devices market and their future growth potential in different time frames. The highlighted cells reflect the timeframe with most potential for a technology trend.
  • 全球医疗保健市场中的人工智能 (AI) 到2027年
    The global AI in healthcare market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 49.8% from 2020 - 2027. Key factors that are driving growth of the market are rising application of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare, growing investment in ai healthcare startups and increasing cross-industry partnerships and collaborations are anticipated to drive the market. However, the dearth of skilled ai workforce and imprecise regulatory guidelines for medical software is hampering the growth of the market.
  • 全球素食补充剂市场报告(2021-2028年)
    The report covers the detailed analysis of trends, future estimations, and provides a thorough study of the global vegan supplements market on the basis of product type, form, distribution channel, and region. It analyzes government regulations, policies, and patents to provide information on the current market trends and suggests future growth opportunities globally. Furthermore, the study highlights Porter’s five forces analysis to determine the factors affecting the market growth. These factors include raw material prices, intense competition, forms, manufacturers, and suppliers. To understand the market, drivers, restraints, and opportunities are explained in the report. Furthermore, it includes the revenue generated by the vegan supplements market from the sales of vegan supplements across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.


  • 医药商业行业:核心逻辑仍在,重视拐点机会
    对标日本处方外流的情况,我们认为中国长期处方外流市场规模将有1.1 万亿元的规模,市场空间巨大。过去线上处方药销售的“宽松“管理导致部分增量被从线下剥离。近些年国家陆续出台“双通道”、电子处方、长处方管理规范等政策不断加强线下药房的地位。而近期《办法》对网售处方药各项细则进行了严格的规定,进一步加强了线下药房处方承接的重要性,其明确指出未获取处方前,禁止通过自建网站或第三方平台提供处方药选择购买操作。规范化管理保障零售药店更能获得处方外流的增量。
  • 医药生物行业:新冠常态化凸显药物长期价值,多款药物处于关键临床后期-深度报告
    新冠药物治疗改善疾病转归,当前上市品种尚且少,多款处于关键临床阶段。化学药应对新冠流感化优势明显,关注以Molnupiravir 为代表的小分子口服药物。 大分子单用药作用于特异性位点治疗新冠肺炎。
  • 医药行业:新冠疫苗出口加速-2021年7月人用疫苗出口数据点评
    7月我国人用疫苗出口货值 159亿元,出口新冠疫苗及原液超 2亿剂,出口均价约79 元/剂。根据海关总署数据,2021 年7 月我国人用疫苗出口货值达158.9 亿元人民币,环比6 月90.4 亿元增长75.9%。1-7 月我国人用疫苗累计出口货值达483.8 亿元。根据海关总署和国务院联防联控机制的数据,截止7 月底我国出口新冠疫苗和原液超7 亿剂(上半年超5 亿剂),测算7 月份新冠疫苗出口均价约79 元/剂(上半年约65 元/剂)。
  • 医药生物行业:集采政策密集出台,等待市场情绪平复-简评报告
    近期,医药行业集采政策密集出台。8 月18 日,《国家组织胰岛素集中采购方案(征求意见稿)》出炉,具体时间安排为9 月启动相关工作,2022 年初执行。地方集采、联采政策也相继出台,广东16 省联采,安徽IVD 试剂集采,对5 大类23 种临床检验试剂开启集中带量采购,主要细分领域在化学发光IVD。
  • 医美行业:行业加速整合,连锁化趋势渐显-医美系列报告之“医美服务机构


  • 产业技术创新平台典型案例和模式分析
  • 促进产业技术创新体系建立健全的对策

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