(报告加工时间:2017-04-05 -- 2017-04-09)


  • 医药竞争情报-第638期
    3 月 5 日,李克强总理在十二届全国人大第五次会议作《政府工作报告》中指出:“扩大小微企业享受减半征收所得税优惠的范围,年应纳税所得额上限由30 万元提高到 50 万元;科技型中小企业研发费用加计扣除比例由 50%提高到75%,千方百计使结构性减税力度和效应进一步显现。”同时,“全年再减少企业税负 3500 亿元左右、涉企收费约 2000 亿元,一定要让市场主体有切身感受。”
  • 医药汇编-第718期
    据了解,为依法推进简政放权、放管结合、优化服务改革,国务院此次对取消行政审批项目、行政审批中介服务事项、职业资格许可事项和企业投资项目核准前置审批改革涉及的行政法规,以及不利于稳增长、促改革、调结构、惠民生的行政法规,进行了清理,对 36 部行政法规的部分条款予以修改,对 3 部行政法规予以废止,其中在医疗方面,通过修改放射性药品管理办法等 22 部行政法规的 68 个条款,取消了放射性药品经营审批等 34 项审批项目


  • 全球医药合同制造市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The global pharmaceutical contract manufacturing market has witnessed a significant growth over the past five years and is likely to grow moderately over the next few years. The increasing presence of generic drugs in the market, shrinking average patent life, and high pressure from governments to reduce the retail price of drugs are some of the factors driving the market.On an average, the entire drug development cycle takes anywhere between 8 and 15 years and the associated costs (i.e. from new molecule discovery to market thefinal product) is approximately $800 million. Moreover, post regulatory approval,drugmakers need to maintain the huge supply in order to cater to the existing demand. To maintain the timeline as well as adequate supply with the set quality standards, drugmakers opt for contract manufacturing.In this report, Technavio covers the present scenario and growth prospects of the global pharmaceutical contract manufacturing market for 2016-2020 (base year: 2015;forecast end year: 2020).
  • 全球外周血管诊断系统市场报告(2016-2020年)
    This Technavio report covers the present scenario and growth prospects of the global peripheral vascular diagnostic systems market for 2016-2020 (base year: 2015; end year: 2020). To calculate the market size, we consider the revenue generated from the sales of peripheral vascular diagnostic systems and its accessories, which are used to diagnose acute and chronic wounds.The report presents the vendor landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the top four vendors operating in the market. In addition, it discusses the major drivers influencing market growth and the challenges faced by vendors and the market as a whole. It also examines key emerging trends and their influence on current and future market scenarios.
  • 全球牙科光束计算机断层扫描市场报告(2016-2020年)
    CBCT is a 3D medical imaging technique comprising an X-ray, which can be used for complex dental treatments. It helps dentists to evaluate diseases (endodontic and periodontics) in the jaw or teeth, to understand the bone structure of the maxillofacial region for surgery, and to evaluate soft tissues around the jaws for dental implants.
  • 全球血管内超声市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Ultrasound equipment generates high-frequency soundwaves that enable visualization of various internal body structures. Ultrasound imaging is considered safer than most other imaging technologies. Ultrasound equipment is extensively used by cardiologists, radiologists, surgeons, obstetricians, and other healthcare professionals.
  • 全球胃肠支架市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Stents are used in maintaining the lumen of hollow vessels, organs, and ducts. Today, self-expandable metal stents for gastroenterology, colonic malignant obstruction, and esophageal problems are available for application in the alimentary tract. Stents help to open up the passage for bodily fluids and other things such as food or to hold the channels open during surgery. The material used for preparing stents is artificially engineered for in-body placement that rarely causes serious health issues in patients. But, there is always a risk of infection or blood loss/clot associated with the introduction of the foreign body. Also, the chances of stents migrating or slipping out of their desired position may cause risk to patients. However, in such cases, the stents are normally replaced and revised. Few stents that are mostly used to open the inside channels of heart that is affected with enteral diseases. These stents are also used by gastrointestinal physicians during cancer treatment.
  • 全球助听器市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Hearing loss refers to the inability to hear any frequency greater than 25 dB in adults and a frequency greater than 15 dB in children. Hearing impairment is the leading cause of disability worldwide. About 360 million people suffer from hearing loss across the world annually. Out of the total patient pool, 91% of the patients are adults and the remaining 9% are children. About one-third of the total world population over the age of 65 years suffers from hearing impairment and other related problems.
  • 全球前列腺药物市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The increasing adoption of targeted therapies is expected to shift the market dynamics, owing to their robust effectiveness in the treatment of prostate cancer.For instance, in 2015, targeted therapies such as Xofigo reported YoY growth of 37% worldwide, indicating a growing acceptance among physicians.Novel hormonal therapies such as Xtandi and Zytiga continue to dominate the market, due to their effectiveness in treating metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). For instance, Xtandi reported YoY growth of 79.25% in 2015,reflecting an increase in the adoption rates.In this report, Technavio covers the present scenario and growth prospects of theglobal prostate cancer drugs market for 2016-2020.
  • 全球妇科机器人手术市场报告(2016-2020年)
    There is a growing demand for MI surgeries in the market owing to their advantages, such as minimal blood loss, decreased surgical site infection, less pain, and shorter hospital stay. The adoption of robotic-assisted surgery, a type of MI surgery, is growing in the market as it ensures surgical precision and patient safety. It has been used in various complex surgical cases, such as oncology, gynecology, urology, and cardiology. Robotic-assisted surgery for gynecology applications, such as hysterectomy, is growing in the market, thereby increasing the market share of companies, such as Intuitive Surgical, Titan Medical, and TransEnterix.


  • 医药行业:细胞治疗迎政策利好,微医布局医学人工智能研发领域-新三板周报
    上周(3 月 19 日-3 月 26 日)新三板市场新增挂牌医药企业 3家。截至 2017 年 3 月 25 日,新三板挂牌医药公司共有 649 家,新增挂牌医药企业绿金高新属于生物肥及有机化学农药生产企业,华健药包属于金属包装制品生产企业,神龙药业属于专科用制剂生产企业。根据 2015 年年报数据,华健药包、神龙药业营业收入超过 5000 万元,分别为6708.85/5944.87 万元;盈利能力方面,华健药包、神龙药业实现盈利,净利润分别为 326.47/529.13 万元;同比分别增长 267.79%/104.4%。
  • 医药行业:阿斯利康第三代靶向肺癌药物获批,Kite制药CAR-T产品提交上市申请
    3 月 31 日上证综指收于 3222.51 点,上涨 0.38%;创业板指数收于 1907.34 点,上涨 0.72%;申万医药指数收于 7853.02 点,上涨 0.68%。 A 股医药板块股份涨幅前五位分别是福安药业( 7.84%)、精华制药(6.54%)、华东医药(5.3%)、英特集团(4.88%)、智飞生物(4.71%);后五分别是海辰药业(-6.38%)、中新药业(-4.75%)、泰格医药(-4.61%)、莱美药业(-4.31%)、利德曼(-4.07%)。
  • 医药生物行业:年报披露期,关注业绩超预期个股-新三板医药周报
    截至 3 月 31 日,共有 112 家企业披露年报,8家企业披露业绩预告。考虑到新三板以中小型企业为主,医药公司中研发型、涉足前沿技术和新商业模式的企业较多,年报披露是对其新药研发进度、盈利模式可持续性验证的好时机。
  • 医药生物行业:继续看多医药板块,加仓龙头个股-4月月报
    回顾美股和 A 股,医药板块皆为长牛板块,牛股辈出,但是从去年底开始的一波回调中,医药股跌幅较大。我们觉察到 2 月以来,市场偏好发生较大变化,消费股、成长股投资热情升温,家电、食品饮料涨幅居前。海通医药从 2 月 23 日医药股最为惨淡之际,发布报告,全面看多医药板块,并推出高端消费、两票制、刚性用药 3 条主线。推荐以来,医药板块表现良好,跑赢上证综指 2.2 个百分点。

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