(报告加工时间:2017-09-04 -- 2017-09-24)



  • 全球军事装备市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Military body-worn cameras are, roughly, the traditionally hand-held or uniformattached surveillance cameras that perform the basic function of capturing and storing images and videos for future references. These are usually small in size and can be clipping on the uniform, mounted on the helmet, glass integrated, button pinhole, and clipped on the holster; depending on the type of mission that is being undertaken. Researches and studies have proven that military body-worn cameras almost always result in a win-win situation for both the operators and the public. In the last few years, the use of military body-worn cameras benefited many different departments to collect evidence and decreased the dependency on third-party evidence. Owing to these benefits, these devices are registering growing popularity across the globe.
  • 全球过程安全系统市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The process safety systems market covers emergency shutdown systems (ESS), fire and gas systems (F&G), high-integrity pressure protection systems (HIPPS) and burner management systems (BMS). All these process safety systems aid in enhancing system safety and thereby increase the overall plant process line. The process safety systems focus on reducing the risks of fires, discharge of toxic gases, and local fires.
  • 全球非致命武器市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Non-lethal weapons, also known as less-lethal weapons, feature less intensity so that these do not kill a living target. These weapons are used in situations to limit the escalation of violence, as well as in scenarios where the use of lethal force is undesirable, or where policy restricts the employment of conventional force. These are used by military police and armed personnel for riot control, prisoner control, crowd management, refugee control, and self-defense.


  • 社会服务行业:个股分化,强者愈强,优选行业,布局龙头
    2017H1 旅游上市公司营收整体增长 23%,扣非净利润增速为 31%,扣非归 母净利润增速排序为酒店>出境游旅行社>餐饮>免税>主题公园>景区:1) 酒店板块业绩高增长主要由于行业复苏及如家并表影响。2)受欧洲游市场 复苏影响,出境游平稳增长,出国游增速有所下降几近见历年增速之底。 3)景区板块由于萨德事件韩国游客骤减、目的地整治、交通因素及去年低 基数等多重影响互相制衡下内生收入增速下滑,利润增速相对稳定。4)主 题景区受益国内游人次增长的业态红利,人次仍维持高增速。

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