(报告加工时间:2018-02-26 -- 2018-03-04)



  • 电子商务-第121期


  • 全球遥感卫星市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Satellites are launched into space to provide various services like communications, surveillance, telemetry, remote sensing, etc. They are designed specifically as per their intended applications. Depending on the type of application, satellites are classified as navigation satellites, communications satellites, reconnaissance satellites, and remote sensing satellites. Satellites are also classified as low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellites, Sunsynchronous orbit satellites, and geosynchronous equatorial orbit (GEO) satellites, according to the orbit they are in.
  • 全球SCADA市场报告(2017-2021年)
    SCADA systems allow the assessment of real-time data of the plant floor in manufacturing environments. The data-driven decision-making of individuals, businesses, or governments is enhanced by the ease of access to real-time data with the help of a SCADA system. The implementation of SCADA system helps end-user industries in improving their efficiency and productivity by the introduction of SQL and the web-based applications into SCADA software. SCADA performs four basic functions such as data acquisition, data communication, presentation, and control across all the industries. The structured query language (SQL) database makes it easier to integrate into the existing manufacturing execution system (MES) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, allowing the flow of information across the organization and aiding in the effective working of a SCADA system.
  • 全球K-12混合式电子学习市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The education technology market can be broadly categorized into two segments, i.e., technological architecture and collaborative tools. The technological architecture comprises hardware, software, and services. The hardware segment consists of interactive whiteboards, interactive displays, educational PCs, and projectors. The software segment constitutes document management systems, classroom management systems, classroom collaboration systems, student information systems (SIS), classroom assessment scoring systems, student response systems, learning content management systems (LCMS), and learning management systems (LMS). Software services include digital interactive resources of imparting knowledge to students, such as digital text, graphics, and audio-visual aids. Collaborative tools are supporting tools that help in the enhanced coherent use of technology.
  • 全球IPTV市场报告(2017-2021年)
    IPTV is a multimedia service, which provides television, video, audio, graphics, text, and data through IP-based networks. IPTV is used with end-to-end devices such as set-top boxes (STBs) connected to routers, TV sets, mobile phones, and PCs with special software installation. It provides services, such as live television, time-shifted media, and video on demand (VOD), with the help of the Internet protocol suite, a packet switching network like the Internet. The Internet protocol suite has a reduced number of limitations as compared with satellite or cable TV networks.


  • 智能网联汽车行业:百度APOLLO亮相春晚,展示中国科技力量-专题报告之一
    2018 年 2 月 15 日,由百度、比亚迪、金龙客车、智行者等组成的自动驾驶车队亮相春晚,在 自动驾驶模式下驶出 8 字形的路线。本次自动驾驶车队分为 28 辆车,包括比亚迪的自动驾驶轿车、金龙的自动驾驶小巴、智行者的自动驾驶快递车和环卫车等。28 辆车的自动驾驶解放方案由百度提供,为百度的“Apollo” (阿波罗)平台。
  • 云计算行业:定增数量下降规模增大,机构参与热情提升-深度报告
    2017年全年定增87次,同比下降22.32%,2017年Q4季度定增企业占全部三板云计算企业比为3.1%,为三年最低点。2017年实际募资总额为37.74亿元,大幅高于2016年实际募资金额(剔除易建科技30亿大额定增影响)29.99亿元,实际募资/预计募资比例为92.57%,高于2016年89.98%。 2017年机构共参与66次云计算定增,同比增长1.54%,Q2季度80.08%云计算定增中有机构投资者参与,为三年最高点。

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