(报告加工时间:2013-12-16 -- 2013-12-31)


  • 位置治疗有关睡眠障碍技术的管理
    Positional patients are defined as obstructive sleep apnea(OSA) patients in whom respiratory disturbance index(RDI) or apnea-hypopnea index(AHI) is at least twice as high in the supine position than in the non-supine position.Positional therapy (the avoidance of the supine posture during sleep is a simple behavioral therapy for mild and moderate sleep disordered breathing.


  • 2014年煤炭行业发展报告——展望篇
    2013年底至2014年,经济基本面对煤炭需求的拉动力度弱势趋稳,但煤炭需求总体偏弱的格局难以改观;煤炭增产动能较强,煤炭运能可调空间加大,煤炭进口高位波动,受煤价较低、安全防治、库存制约以及环保压力等因素影响,煤炭有效供给的将在相对低位波动。预计2014 年煤炭供求将呈总体宽松、阶段性过剩态势,如果气候因素所带动煤炭需求明显好于正常水平,则供求关系会阶段性地朝供求平衡方向回调。
  • 2013年生产资料分析与预测(第九期)
    10 月份,生产资料行业运行继续保持回暖态势。企业预期良好,效益改善。上游产品价格有所回落,生产增速继续保持稳中有升。市场需求继续趋好,业务活动较为活跃,商品周转效率有所提升,业务规模呈现趋稳回升发展态势。进入三季度以来,“稳增长、调结构”政策效果显现,经济活动链条上的采购、生产等各环节均出现明显积极变化,经济运行已进入平稳增长区间。


  • 全球提高石油采收率(EOR)市场报告(2014-2018年)
    EOR is a technique to increase the production of oil fields other than those that are conventionally used for the oil extraction process. EOR is the third phase that is used for oil recovery after the failure of primary and secondary oil recovery methods. Primary oil recovery is the first stage in the production of hydrocarbons by using natural energy available in the reservoirs such as gas drive, water drive, and gravity drainage. When the natural energy from the reservoirs is depleted, then oil is recovered by secondary recovery methods using an external source such as injection of either natural gas or water. The primary and secondary methods can recover up to 30-40 percent of the hydrocarbons available in the reservoirs.


  • 水平注水采油
    Solar energy has become a major alternative for supplying a substantial fraction of the nation's future energy needs. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) supports activities ranging from the demonstration of existing technology to research on future possibilities. At Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL), projects are in progress that span a wide range of activities, with the emphasis on research to extend the scientific basis for solar energy applications, and on preliminary development of new approaches to solar energy conversion.


  • 南海油气资源开发研究——基于石油安全的视角

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