(报告加工时间:2023-12-11 -- 2024-01-01)



  • 中国方便速食行业研究报告


  • 全球澳洲坚果市场报告(2024-2028年)
    The macadamia is a nut that is obtained from the macadamia tree, which is highly cultivated in Australia, the US, China, and different parts of Africa. The popular macadamia flavors include roasted, roasted and salted, chocolate-coated, honey-baked, and wasabi-flavored. Macadamia finds its application in a variety of industries, such as pharmaceuticals, personal care and cosmetics, and goods and beverages.
  • 全球含酒精巧克力市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Chocolates containing alcohol are the type of premium chocolates that contain alcohol as an ingredient. These chocolates can be available in the form of dark, white, or milk chocolate and are widely demanded during seasonal occasions.
  • 全球苹果市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Apples are a rich source of various nutrients and provide numerous health benefits. They are consumed raw, as well as in various other forms, such as juices and concentrates.
  • 全球橄榄叶提取物市场报告(2023-2027年)
    Olive leaf extract is obtained from the leaves of the olive tree (Olea europaea), which has numerous health benefits. Oleuropein, which is the main component in olive leaf extract, has antibacterial, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and immune-stimulating properties.
  • 全球包装碎小麦谷物市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Packaged shredded wheat cereal is a nutritious breakfast food made from whole wheat, which is processed into long, shredded strands and then formed into small, pillow-like squares.
  • 全球有机乳制品市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Organic dairy products are dairy items, such as milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, and cream, which are produced in accordance with organic farming practices. These products are made from milk that is obtained from dairy cattle that is raised with organic feed under specific guidelines and regulations, which are designed to promote sustainable and environment-friendly agricultural practices.
  • 全球生酮饮食市场报告(2024-2028年)
    A ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that has gained popularity for its potential to promote weight loss and offer various health benefits. The key principle of a ketogenic diet is to significantly reduce carbohydrate intake while increasing fat consumption. This shift in macronutrient ratios induces a metabolic state called ketosis, where the body primarily uses fat for energy instead of carbohydrates.
  • 全球低聚果糖市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Oligofructose, which is an insulin-derived fructus, consists of a sequence of fructose molecules attached to each other in a specific arrangement. The natural source of oligofructose, chicory root, is found in a variety of foods and beverages, as well as dietary supplements, where it is used as a dietary fiber and dietary sweetener with a low-calorie content.
  • 全球无乳糖乳制品市场报告
    Finalize the scope after feasibility checks on information availability & consultation with industry experts • Develop research roadmap, execution plan, timelines, team deployment, etc.


  • 短期修复与长期重构
  • 食品饮料行业:顺周期优先-2024年投资展望
    对于2024 年,我们认为在需求端的变化有两个:1 是总量上的变化,即经济进一步复苏所带来的需求端的改善,从复苏 角度去看细分行业,我们认为顺周期板块比如白酒等板块会有机会。2 是从收入结构上分析,如果中产阶级收入能够得到恢复 或收入预期能够扭转,“做高价格”的趋势仍是行业发展中非常重要的增长动力,即终端价格成为判断行业景气度非常重要 的指标。建议关注消费升级趋势下的次高端白酒、休闲零食等板块。 我们认为新产品、新渠道和市场红利的趋势仍将持续,譬如预制菜等行业仍保持增长。竞争格局的优化也将进一步改善 盈利,譬如白酒、休闲行业的龙头将会进一步提升市场占有率。综合年度的判断,我们重点推荐贵州茅台、五粮液、千味央 厨、安井食品、洽洽食品等标的。

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