(报告加工时间:2020-03-23 -- 2020-03-29)



  • 能源领域的全球大数据分析市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    In the energy sector, big data analytics plays a crucial role in reducing energy consumption and improving energy efficiency. The energy sector can optimize power generation and planning, by adopting big data analytics. The scarcity of fossil fuel is giving rise to alternate sources of energy, such as solar, wave, and wind turbines, wherein consumption is increasing at a high pace. Thus, it has become imperative to use advanced tools that use big data-based analytical tools to understand the behavior or adaption of these sources of energy. With the increase in the usage of microgrids control system and other smart grid systems, which enable companies to monitor, control, and analyze grid functioning from a central control center, there is a vast untapped potential of advanced analytics tools and techniques, such as the big data platform.


  • 能源产业行业:降息背景下,高股息率机会再现电话会议纪要-资环中心电话会议纪要
    近日美联储宣布利息率降低至 0%-0.25%,中国央行本周开始执行降准,释放 5500 亿长期资金。在中美货币 宽松背景下,高股息率个股配置价值将重新凸显。
  • 燃气行业:表观需求增长vs真实下游需求-月报
    20 年 1-2 月我国天然气表观消费量 560 亿方,同比+7%,但据下游城燃龙 头新奥能源披露,公司 1-2 月销气量同比下降 5%左右。我们判断天然气表 观需求增长未能反映实际下游需求疲软,或受上游进口天然气合约条款约 束,未消纳的进口气量预存于储气库影响。受疫情影响,我们下调 2020 年表观消费量预测至 3214 亿方(前预测值 3289 亿方),对应同比增长 6%。 同时,我们判断有 LNG 接收站的城燃有望益于 LNG 现货价格下降,据测 算 LNG 现货价每降低 5%,约增厚深燃接收站 4800 万净利润,占其 2019 年净利润 4.5%,首推深圳燃气。

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