(报告加工时间:2014-03-17 -- 2014-04-27)


  • 2014年农业发展报告(预测篇)
    展望2014年,虽然2013年秋冬播时期主产区出现一定程度的旱情,但播种期气象条件总体有利,加上政府将粮食安全上升到国家战略的高度,不断扩大农业补贴力度及覆盖范围,农民种植粮食积极性将有所提高,预计2014年全国粮食播种面积将达到11260万公顷左右,比2013年增加65万公顷,粮食产量将增加1000万吨左右,有望实现“十一连增”; 政府将在主产区启动棉花、大豆目标价格补贴试点,有望提高农户种植积极性,棉花种植面积下滑趋势有望得到缓解,油料种植将继续小幅增长;生猪市场将面临消费不旺、供给过剩的局面,2014年市场形势严峻;随着乳业新政落实以及多个大型牧场建成,2014年生鲜乳供给能力将不断提高,生鲜乳价格趋于稳定。


  • 全球园艺及户外生活市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Gardening is considered a leisure activity and an art form that involves arranging plants in harmony or decorating gardens with several ornamental plants and shrubs to enhance the beauty of homes. Gardening provides physical exercise, mental stimulation, has therapeutic effects, and enhances the quality of life. Though this activity was traditionally prevalent in rural areas, it is increasingly gaining preference among people in towns and cities, primarily because it enhances property values. Outdoor living is a style of life that includes outdoor activities, amenities, and recreation. Outdoor living spaces are decorated with products such as barbeques, furniture, ornaments, garden buildings, and accessories to help individuals relax, converse, and entertain. The Global Gardening and Outdoor Living market is expected to grow steadily at a CAGR of 2.77 percent during the period 2013-2018. Europe dominated the global market in 2013 and accounted for a 37.1 percent share. In terms of category type, the Shrubs, Flowers, and Growing Media segment led the market, contributing a revenue share of 55-57 percent in the same year.


  • 长期议题(2012):农民的选择与生物燃料的未来
    This paper focuses on the patterns of farmers choices regarding dedicated perennial lignocellulosic energy crops. Throughout this paper we use the term perennial as shorthand for warm season grasses such as those in the genus Panicum or Miscanthus, or short rotation tree crops such as those in the genus Populus or Salix. We focus on choices about these perennial crops because two thirds of the mandated advanced biofuels are expected to be converted at biorefineries from perennials (USDA 2010). RFS2 establishes the goals, but not mechanisms for achieving them. Mechanisms and incentives, however, are embedded in other legislation and programs.


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