(报告加工时间:2017-01-16 -- 2017-02-05)


  • 电子行业:CES引领科技发展趋势,汽车电子与人工智能受热捧
  • 美国科技观察周报:汽车是CES最大亮点,自然语言交互引爆智能家居
    汽车科技再次成为本届 CES 的最大亮点。现代、Delphi/Mobileye、英伟达和宝马都在拉斯维加斯进行了自动驾驶现场演示,其规模和汽车自动控制能力比去年 CES 有显著进步。英伟达取得了传统厂商阵营的认可,而 Mobileye 则反过来与初创公司合作,充分说明自动驾驶的竞争将更加激烈。此外,我们也在相关公司的展台上,验证了 LIDAR 成本下降和众包地图开始起步这两个自动驾驶 商业化的软硬件条件。车联网方面,数字化驾驶舱已随处可见,比较新鲜的是将 AR 引入驾驶舱,以及 Alexa 等智能助手的植入,形成车与家的互联互动。电动化方面,CES 上发布的概念车型都是电动车,而在 CES 以外,特斯拉首次向投资者开放了内华达电池工厂。
  • 电子行业:LED供需关系迎来拐点
  • TMT行业:2017年电子&通信年度策略


  • 全球智慧城市市场报告(2016-2020年)
    A smart city uses ICT, including mobile networks, to improve the quality of livelihood in a sustainable way. A smart city combines and shares disparate comprehensive data sets captured by intelligently-connected infrastructure, people, and vehicles, to generate new insights. It also provides ubiquitous services that enable citizens to access information about city administrative services, improve the efficiency of city operations, enhance security levels, fuel economic activity, and even increase resilience to natural disasters.
  • 全球智能互联空调市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The evolution of smart homes resulted in the installation of integrated and centralized control systems in homes that include: Environmental control systems (air conditioning, heating, and ventilation) Household appliances (washing machines, refrigerators, freezers, and microwaves) Consumer electronics (TV, gaming consoles, and audio-video equipment) Building components (windows and doors) In a connected home, these systems are connected to a computer, tablet, or a smartphone through a wired or a wireless network to enhance remote accessibility. Ubiquitous homes understand the requirements of occupants based on their lifestyle and behavior, and, hence, respond in a particular manner.
  • 全球非常小孔径终端市场报告(2016-2020年)
    VSAT terminals are communication terminals that transmit and receive text, audio, and video data using satellite broadband Internet services. These terminals operategeostationary satellites on Ku, Ka, and C bands. These terminals are 1.2-2.4 meters in diameter. A VSAT network comprises a main station or hub and other sites located in remote places, which communicate with the geostationary satellite. These networks provide wireless broadband connectivity in remote and underserved areas that are not covered by wireline networks. They also provide value-added services such as local area network (LAN) services, internet access, and data transmission. There are three types of VSAT transmissions: time division multiple access (TDMA), demand assigned multiple access (DAMA), and single channel per carrier (SCPC)/ multiple channels per carrier (MCPC).
  • 全球家用电子安全市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Safes and vaults are used in banks and other sectors to securely store expensive materials and documents. The major end-users of safes and vaults are the banking, retail, pharmaceutical, and hotel sectors, and individual consumers. These products find applications beyond just fire and burglary protection in these sectors. In the pharmaceutical sector, safes and vaults are used for the secure storage of scheduled drugs, to ensure that they are not distributed indiscriminately. Individual customers mainly use safes and vaults for storing items such as guns and ammunition.
  • 全球电信电力系统市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Power systems are used in all telecommunication installations for controlling, monitoring, and measuring the flow of power across telecom networks. These systems are made up of a combination of smaller systems such as converters, distributors, controllers, and backup systems that bear different technical specifications. The primary application of telecom power systems is in wireless and fixed-line environments. They are used in several other related applications including network equipment, xDSL terminals, mobile broadband, cellular sites, and transmission applications.
  • 全球数据转换器市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Data converters are used to convert and condition signals from analog to digital and vice versa. They are integrated into the device to convert digital signals to analog signals and vice versa. The use of data converters in the devices enhances the processing, data transmission, and process control capabilities. These data converters are based on the architectures that are proprietary architectures of companies such as Analog Devices and Texas Instruments or are patented. The core of these data converters is either based on complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) or silicon or silicon on germanium materials forming the essential gateways for signal conversion and conditioning. There are two types of data conversions:
  • 智能家居全球IT支出市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Wireless home automation and security solutions are next generation technologies that are based on IoT architecture and smart connected technologies. The ever-increasing rate of smart connected devices in a home ecosystem, such as connected entertainment systems, has revolutionized home entertainment systems. Smart home technology is gaining significant traction in the market. We expect the adoption of smart home devices and applications to increase.
  • 全球乐器市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Musical instruments refer to tools or devices that are used to create musical sounds. Musical instruments are made up of materials such as wood, metal, string, and nondurable materials. Some of the most commonly used musical instruments are guitar, piano, wind instruments, keyboard, and percussion.
  • 全球心率监测设备市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Diagnostic wearable medical devices, used for monitoring, controlling, and tracking an individual's vital signs at regular intervals, have gained momentum in the past few years. These devices measure physiological information through remote or wireless communication and transmit this information to medical professionals or the user. These autonomous, non-invasive devices help assess specific medical functions such as body temperature, blood pressure, glucose quantity, respiratory rate, heart rate, and blood oxygen saturation.
  • 全球3D显示市场报告(2016-2020年)
    3D displays exhibit images with depth perception by using various technologies such as multi-view, stereoscopic, and 2D-plus-depth displays. However, to experience depth perception, special 3D glasses are required to view the images from 3D displays. Some display technologies that do not need special glasses include an active shutter 3D system and a polarized 3D system (or autostereoscopic system). 3D displays are used in various devices such as 3D TVs, mobile handsets, tablets, gaming devices, and HMDs.
  • 全球住宅安全系统市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Residential security systems operate on the concept of fortifying entry points of a home with sensors that interconnect with a control panel installed in a suitable location inside the home. These sensors are usually positioned on doors as well as easily accessible windows, especially at ground level. Open spaces inside of homes are usually secured with motion sensors.
  • 全球蓝宝石半导体市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Sapphire is a versatile material that is used in LEDs and consumer electronics. It is used in a wide range of end markets due to attributes such as durability, light transmission, chemical inertness, thermal insulation, hardness, and resistance to physical damage and chemical erosion.


  • 家用电器行业:基本面稳健,继续看好板块表现-周报
    总体而言,受益于地产、天气、促销以及消费升级等因素带动,去年空调、彩电终端增长良好,而冰洗由于需求相对饱和表现较为平稳;展望今年,尽管由于调控政策地产效应有所弱化,但一方面消费升级趋势仍在,另一方面三四线与农村市场也值得看好,尤其是随着08 年前后大量家电下乡产品陆续进入更新换代周期,农村更新需求有望迎来加速释放,我们看好国内大家电市场持续稳健表现。
  • 计算机行业:2017CES开幕在即,关注人工智能和无人驾驶-周报
  • 计算机行业:自动驾驶平台涌现,基础设施加速夯实-人工智能双周报
    英伟达在CES 发布人工智能ProAI 系统。系统基于英伟达DRIVE PX 2 AI高性能运算平台打造,并将应用在乘用车以及商用车的自动化驾驶领域。该系统可以通过深度学习处理来自汽车传感器和摄像头的数据,能够清晰的识别周围环境,为车辆规划出一条安全的前行道路。
  • 计算机行业:情绪还在低谷,仍需耐心等待-周报

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