(报告加工时间:2020-03-30 -- 2020-04-05)


  • 全球精油市场报告(2019-2026年)
    An essential oil is a liquid that is generally distilled from the stems, leaves, seeds, roots or flowers of the plant. The commonly used essential oils used are lavender, tea tree, orange, lemon, peppermint, cornmint, and others. These oils are antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antimicrobial. They by-pass the digestive system easily and thus are beneficial for people with poor digestion/assimilation. Moreover, essential oils are highly oxygenating and are suitable for infants since they cannot swallow tablets and capsules. The potential danger of an essential oil is sometimes relative to its grade or level of purity, and sometimes related to the toxicity of specific chemical components of the oil. Many essential oils are designed exclusively for their aroma-therapeutic quality; these essential oils generally should not be applied directly to the skin in their "neat" or undiluted form. Some can cause severe irritation, provoke an allergic reaction and, over time, prove hepatotoxic. Certain essential oils, including many of the citrus peel oils, are photosensitizers, increasing the skin's vulnerability to sunlight. Even certain therapeutic grade oils can pose potential threats to individuals with epilepsy and to pregnant women.
  • 全球醋酸市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    Acetic acid and ethylene when reacted with oxygen, in presence of palladium catalyst, produces vinyl acetate monomer (VAM). Approximately 80% of the VAM manufactured is used in the production of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyvinyl acetate (PVAc). Polyvinyl alcohol is used in the production of coatings, adhesives, textile warp sizing, and water-soluble packaging, whereas polyvinyl alcohol is used in adhesives, paints, textile treatments, and paper coatings. Increasing usage of VAM to make polyvinyl butyral (PVB) for laminated safety glasses in buildings and cars have propelled the demand for acetic acid. VAM is also used in the making of ethylene vinyl acetate and ethylene vinyl alcohol resins. Ethylene vinyl acetate resins are used in the manufacturing of heavy-duty bags, packaging film, wires and cable jacketing, extrusion coating, cross-linked foam, and hot-melt adhesives, whereas ethylene-vinyl alcohol resins are used as a barrier layer in automobile tanks and a gas barrier in multi-layered food and beverage packages.
  • 全球农业润滑油市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    Farmers are considered to be the backbone of the agricultural economy. Both the Indian and Chinese governments have been helping their farmers by providing subsidies toward farm machinery and equipment, which has helped farmers easily avail tractors and other farm machinery. Rising consumption of machinery and tractors drives the market for agricultural lubricants in these regions and will follow suit through 2024. The Indian government, in order to promote agricultural mechanization, launched the “Tractor Subsidy,” under which the government provides 25% subsidy for buying a tractor, power tiller, self-propelled reaper, paddy transplantation, and other similar self-propelled machines, specialized power-driven equipment, such as zero-till- seed drill, raised bed planter, sugarcane cutter planter, potato planter, potato digger, groundnut digger, straw reaper, strip-till drill, tractor-drawn reaper, cleaner-cum- grader, dryer, stubble shaver, mobile fruit harvester, and power weeder, etc. The ministry of agriculture, Government of India, has approved the list of tractor models up to 35 HP eligible for this subsidy program, and this scheme is open to all categories of farmers.


  • 化工行业:出口形势暂严峻,化工产业影响如何-海外疫情影响解析之一
    从海关出口章节分类来看,我国石化化工行业出口金额排名前 5 的章节分别为塑料及其制品,有机化学品,矿物燃料、矿物油及 其蒸馏产品;沥青物质;矿物蜡,化学纤维长丝,橡胶及其制品。 具体到细分子行业,大致可以分为塑料及其制品、原料药(包括 维生素)、农药、医药及农药中间体、成品油、化纤及轮胎,从 产业链上游来看,以石化终端产品(塑料及其制品、成品油、化 纤)和精细化工(原料药、农药及其中间体)为主;从产业链下 游来看,主要下游以汽车、医药、纺织服装、日化等消费品和农 业为主。
  • 农业&基础化工行业行业:乘转基因之风,国内种业加速整合发展
    对比全球我国种业起步较晚,目前向深化市场化阶段发展。2018 年我国种 业市场规划达到 1321 亿元,其中玉米(23%)和水稻种子(其中杂交稻 11%,常规稻 4%)占比最大,目前我国杂交玉米种子出现供小于求得情 况,而杂交水稻种子近几年出现供过于求的情况。从商品化率及每亩种子费 用来看我国种业市场增长潜力充足,目前我国种子商品化率比之国际水平仍 有提升空间,其次我国主要农作物种子价格呈现持续增长的趋势,亩均用种 量与种子单价构成每亩种子费用也呈增长趋势。

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