(报告加工时间:2020-07-06 -- 2020-08-16)



  • 全球液晶聚合物(LCP)市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    Liquid crystal polymer (LCP) is a super engineering plastic, with a combination of high strength, modulus and impact proper ties, flame retardance, resistance to a wide range of aggressive chemicals, very low and tailorable coefficients of thermal expansion (CTE), excellent dimensional stability, thin-wall flowability, and unique processability. This balance of characteristics is the main reason for electrical and electronics applications to have one of the major commercial end uses for these thermoplastics. With the miniaturization trend of many electronic products,manufacturers are streamlining devices to pack more features into smaller packages. For instance, the pitch (spacing) between contacts in electrical connectors is narrower than ever before, and as small as 0.2 mm, when compared to older-style power connectors, with pitches exceeding 12.0 mm. Nominal wall stocks have also thinned considerably, as the overall size of connectors has shrunk. These thin-wall designs pose a challenge during the injection molding of micro connectors for devices, such as iPads, robots, computers, cell phones, and satellites. A suitable material must withstand reflow soldering without distor ting, melting, or blistering, and (LCPs) prove to be the much-needed ticket when compared to other traditional polymers. For the same reasons, LCPs are also injection molded into integrated circuit (IC) sockets, high-frequency (HF) network switches, power modules for wind and solar inverters and converters, custom high-power electrical connectors, and many other precision devices.
  • 全球长纤维热塑性塑料市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    Increasing security concerns in almost all the nations across the world is a major driving factor for long fiber in the defense sector. This, coupled with rising threats from various anti-social organizations for countries, such as the United States, India, etc., is further driving the demand for the market studied in the defense sector. Conventionally, thermoset-based composites are used as alternatives for various structural metal-based parts in military equipment manufacturing. In defense applications, fiber-reinforced thermosets are well known composite structures. However, thermoset materials have limitations, like resistance to hydrolysis and poor structural performance in fire regardless of their good flammability resistance when compared with that of thermoplastics. The above-mentioned factors are quite instrumental in impacting on the consumption of thermosets, which are ultimately going to drive the growth prospects of the thermoplastics market over the forecast period.


  • 化学新材料行业:碳纤维,轻量化应用前景广阔的特种纤维-新材料专题系列报告(二)
    国际龙头产业之路各有侧重,在小丝束范围里,日本碳纤维产业排名首 位,掌握主要话语权,深度参与高精尖科技如航空航天领域研究,正在 逐步开拓新能源汽车市场。而美国碳纤维产业在大丝束研发中取得突破 性成果,凭借自身地理、技术以及应用优势,大量投入资本进行研发, 建立极高的技术壁垒。 目前国内碳纤维行业仍处于初级阶段,竞争不充分,熟练掌握核心技术 并能使起生产规模化的企业相对较少,产能利用率不足,碳化单线能力 仅 1000 吨/年,远低于国际标准 2700 吨/年,缺少国际竞争优势。国内 碳纤维企业相对集中,龙头公司拥有市场地位高,成本端优势大,客户 粘性高的优势,当前国内碳纤维需求正迎来爆发拐点,龙头企业扩产计 划正在实施中,未来产能有望持续释放。
  • 生产稳定上升,外需明显改善-6月制造业PMI数据点评
    6 月我国官方制造业PMI 50.9%,比上月上升0.3 个百分点。构成制造业PMI 的五大分类指标中,生产指数、新订单指数和供应商配送时间指数均高于临界点,原材料库存指数和从业人员指数均低于临界点。

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