(报告加工时间:2018-01-22 -- 2018-02-04)


  • 全球铝铸件市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Aluminum casting is a process of melting aluminum and injecting it into a hollow mold to get the desired shape. Aluminum castings are used in numerous applications due to multiple advantages like high tensile strength, molded inserts, fine surface finish and high heat resistivity. Aluminum cast components are used to manufacture subassemblies of vehicles, planes, and trains. These castings are also used in industries such as mining, construction, and electrical and electronics. The high demand for aluminum castings from small appliance part manufacturers and the automotive and machinery industries will boost the growth of the global aluminum casting market during the forecast period. The growing demand for lightweight and fuel-efficient vehicles is also a major factor contributing to the growth of the market. Casting products are manufactured using the following methods


  • 钢铁行业:库存周期启动,买涨价防通胀
    库存升幅趋缓厂库下降,钢材现货价格拐点已至。本周 Mysteel 统计全国钢材社会库存升幅较上周放缓,同时螺纹、线材钢厂库存出现下降,虽然社会库存继续上升,但整体库存上升的幅度大幅放缓。钢厂出货积极,厂库下降之后钢厂挺价将会明显,现货一旦企稳,补库存将形成正反馈,目前局部区域出现封库情况,钢价拐点已至如期反弹。
  • 钢铁行业:冬储逐步启动-中泰证券
  • 工业金属行业:锌,短缺格局贯穿全年
    在当前锌价高企的市场环境下,锌冶炼企业与锌矿企业之间的利润分享条款对实际加工费的影响巨大。以国内的条款来说,国内现货锌价以15000 元每吨作为基准,现货锌价与15000元之间差价的20%会让渡给冶炼商。由于锌价大概率仍将维持高位,而上游矛盾逐步缓解,我们认为2018 年锌上游和中游利润将进一步改善,铅锌行业相关标的仍值得重点关注。
  • 钢铁行业:废钢产出量大增催生产业链投资机会-废钢产业链投资机会专题
    根据废钢的三种来源并结合我国下游用钢行业具体情况及历史特点,预计到2020年我国废钢产生量将达到2.8 亿吨,而其中增量的8000 万吨全部来自老旧废钢。到2025 年,我国废钢产生量将超过4 亿吨。届时如果粗钢产量不变的情况下,能够满足国内50%钢铁生产的原料需要。同时,废钢的产生量大大高于美国(8000 万吨)等发达国家。

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