(报告加工时间:2024-05-20 -- 2024-05-27)



  • 扩展长短期记忆网络xLSTM——人工智能系列之三
    本篇报告主要介绍了最新的循环伸进网络研究进展——扩展长短期记忆网络(Extended Long Short-Term Memory,xLSTM)。在多年以来的深度学习研究中,长短期记忆网络(LSTM)因其在处理序列数据中显示出的 卓越性能而受到广泛关注和应用。然而,随着数据量的增加和任务复杂性的提高,传统的 LSTM 模型在处理能力和效率上显示出了局限性。xLSTM 模型通过引入指数门控和改进的记忆结构,解决了传统 LSTM的一些核心局限性。


  • 全球澳大利亚同意管理市场报告到2030年
    At present, the whole world is experiencing strict data privacy legislation. Globally operating organizations have no options left but to adopt cross-border and cross-regulatory compliance strategies to operate efficiently. One of the major factors that have drastically impacted the way companies interact with customers and use their data is the growing data protection regulations by the governments of different countries. One such regulation is General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a data privacy regulation enforced by European Union (EU) on May 2018. As per the GDPR, an organization must take consent from the citizen whose personal data it wants to process. Apart from GDPR, various other privacy laws prevail across the globe, such as Brazil’s Lei Geral de Proteçao de Dados (LGPD) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Consent management platforms and solutions help the website meet the GDPR and compliance by gaining user consent for collecting their data for further use during website visits via cookies. They also help the websites automate and simplify the consent management process.
  • 全球加拿大同意管理市场报告到2030年
    Some of the other drivers fuelling the growth of consent management market include stricter data privacy regulations, proliferation of data-driven technologies, increasing awareness and concerns for data privacy, and increasing demand for improved the customer experience. On the other hand, some of the restraining factors of the consent management market include diverse regional regulations, user resistance and consent fatigue, cost of compliance, and implementation challenges. The rise in incidents of data breaches across various industries is propelling the growth of the consent management market. For instance, in November 2021, California Pizza Kitchen (CPK), a restaurant chain, revealed a data breach that exposed the personal details of ~100,000 current and former employees. To reduce such data breaches and protect the information of the citizens, governments of various countries are enhancing their data protection regulations, which is further raising the need for consent management solutions. Furthermore, the growing need for the integration of blockchain technology in consent management solutions to augment user control and privacy will further propel the growth of the consent management market during the forecast period.
  • 全球法国同意管理市场报告2030年
    At present, the whole world is experiencing strict data privacy legislation. Globally operating organizations have no options left but to adopt cross-border and cross-regulatory compliance strategies to operate efficiently. One of the major factors that have drastically impacted the way companies interact with customers and use their data is the growing data protection regulations by the governments of different countries. One such regulation is General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a data privacy regulation enforced by European Union (EU) on May 2018. As per the GDPR, an organization must take consent from the citizen whose personal data it wants to process. Apart from GDPR, various other privacy laws prevail across the globe, such as Brazil’s Lei Geral de Proteçao de Dados (LGPD) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Consent management platforms and solutions help the website meet the GDPR and compliance by gaining user consent for collecting their data for further use during website visits via cookies. They also help the websites automate and simplify the consent management process.
  • 全球中国同意管理市场报告2030年
    At present, the whole world is experiencing strict data privacy legislation. Globally operating organizations have no options left but to adopt cross-border and cross-regulatory compliance strategies to operate efficiently. One of the major factors that have drastically impacted the way companies interact with customers and use their data is the growing data protection regulations by the governments of different countries. One such regulation is General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a data privacy regulation enforced by European Union (EU) on May 2018. As per the GDPR, an organization must take consent from the citizen whose personal data it wants to process. Apart from GDPR, various other privacy laws prevail across the globe, such as Brazil’s Lei Geral de Proteçao de Dados (LGPD) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Consent management platforms and solutions help the website meet the GDPR and compliance by gaining user consent for collecting their data for further use during website visits via cookies. They also help the websites automate and simplify the consent management process.
  • 全球巴西同意管理市场报告到2030年
    At present, the whole world is experiencing strict data privacy legislation. Globally operating organizations have no options left but to adopt cross-border and cross-regulatory compliance strategies to operate efficiently. One of the major factors that have drastically impacted the way companies interact with customers and use their data is the growing data protection regulations by the governments of different countries. One such regulation is General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a data privacy regulation enforced by European Union (EU) on May 2018. As per the GDPR, an organization must take consent from the citizen whose personal data it wants to process. Apart from GDPR, various other privacy laws prevail across the globe, such as Brazil’s Lei Geral de Proteçao de Dados (LGPD) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Consent management platforms and solutions help the website meet the GDPR and compliance by gaining user consent for collecting their data for further use during website visits via cookies. They also help the websites automate and simplify the consent management process. Some of the other drivers fuelling the growth of consent management market include stricter data privacy regulations, proliferation of data-driven technologies, increasing awareness and concerns for data privacy, and increasing demand for improved the customer experience. On the other hand, some of the restraining factors of the consent management market include diverse regional regulations, user resistance and consent fatigue, cost of compliance, and implementation challenges.
  • 全球中国云ERP市场报告2030年
    Cloud ERP is known as an enterprise resource planning software that can be accessed over the Internet. Hosted on a provider’s cloud computing platform, cloud ERP is typically delivered as a service (software-as-a-service or SaaS ERP). Cloud ERP software provides various advantages; one of the largest advantages of cloud ERP software is its almost limitless customizability. Add-on solutions, open APIs, industry-specific functions, and role-based dashboards allow companies to implement powerful decision-making tools, unparalleled data visibility, and a future-proof platform for success. Enterprises can implement chosen editions that have been designed to the needs of their specific industries— distribution, manufacturing, retail, and construction, among others. The field and office teams work in tandem to complete multiple projects under budget and on time, but challenges arise when they do not have efficient information. Constructionspecific ERP software integrates applications and systems—including financials, job cost accounting, inventory, CRM, payroll, and project management, among others—for a complete, real-time view of the business that instantly connects all workers in the team.


  • 营收、利润变化趋势分化,造船板块盈利改善明显
    军工行业 2023 年及 2024Q1 业绩回顾:2023 年 141 家核心业务涉及军工领域的上市公司共实现营业收入 6680 亿元,同比+12.73%,增速在一级行业(SW)中排名 5/31;实现归母净利润 380 亿元,同比+5.53%,增速在一级行业(SW)中排名 13/31。2024Q1,国防军工行业实现营业收入 1300 亿元,同比+10.27%,增速在一级行业(SW)中排名 4/31;实现归母净利润 73 亿元,同比-14.50%,增速在一级行业(SW)中排名 20/31。
  • AIDC,铜的新机遇
    数据中心智算化和基站 5G 化转型对铜材料提出更高要求。AI+大算力重塑了数据处理与传输的基本逻辑,其中数据中心和基站分别从数据供给和数据传输两端,支持 AI+算力需求。在此背景下,数据中心的智算化和基站的 5G 化转型对铜材料提出了更高的要求。
  • 低空经济系列报告2:低空旅游借势起飞,设备更替推陈出新
    政策逐步升级成型,空域管理优化。从 2014 年开始,国家层面出台了多项政策,鼓励和规范低空旅游的发展地方政府也积极响应,出台了相应的实施方案。另外,2021 年中央空管委的成立,有助于解决军民融合的问题,推动空域资源的合理利用和空中交通管理的现代化。此外,国家空管委发布了《国家空域基础分类方法》旨在优化低空空域管理,提高飞行服务效率,确保飞行安全,同时满足经济社会发展的需求。《关于促进通用航空业发展的指导意见》则提出了扩大低空空域开放,简化飞行审批程序。一系列政策标志低空经济的基础逐步成型,全面发展在即。
  • 卫星互联网,组网加速,卫星载荷和通信终端等核心环节有望充分受益
    卫星互联网是卫星通信的发展热点,中国已规划星座的卫星总数量超过 2.6 万颗。卫星通信是利用卫星中的转发器作为中继站,通过反射或转发无线电信号,实现两 个或多个地球站之间的通信。与传统的蜂窝通信相比,卫星通信具有波束覆盖范围较广,不受地理环境限制等优点。用于通信的卫星主要有 LEO 卫星和 GEO 卫星。
  • GPT-4o:大模型风向标, OpenAI 重大更新
    美国时间 5 月 13 日,OpenAI 迎来重大更新。1)发布桌面版 APP 及更新 UI 后的 ChatGPT,用户使用更加简单与自然;2)发布新的全能模型 GPT-4o,实 现跨模态即时响应,相比 GPT-4 Turbo,性价比显著提升的同时向用户免费开放。

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