(报告加工时间:2021-08-23 -- 2021-09-05)



  • 全球塑料家具市场(2021-2027年)
    Plastic furniture is designed using various types of plastics, including polymers, polyvinyl chloride, and polypropylene. Their prolonged durability and economic nature have made them ideal materials to be used in outdoor settings and for indoor purposes. For the purpose of analysis, the report segments the global plastic market based on type, end user, distribution channel, and region. The report covers the details about various types of plastic furniture preferred by consumers such as kitchen furniture, living & dining room furniture, bathroom furniture, and outdoor furniture. In addition, residential and commercial are the major consumers of plastic furniture. Furthermore, the study outlines the details about the sale of plastic furniture through diversified distribution channels, including modern trade, specialty stores, e-commerce, and direct-to-customers. Moreover, the analysis presented in this section elaborates the attractiveness of each region, including North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA to identify the lucrative market areas for investment.
  • 全球金属家具市场报告(2021-2028年)
    Metal furniture is made up of metal parts and is commonly used in residential and commercial sectors such as homes, hotels, restaurant, offices, and hospitals. Metal furniture includes beds, chairs, tables, and sofas. Furthermore, rapid increase in urbanization and preference toward customized furniture and interior and exterior designing among customers fuel the global metal furniture market growth. For the purpose of analysis, the global metal furniture market is segmented into type, application, distribution channel, and region. On the basis of type, the market is fragmented into bed, sofa, chair, table, and others. By application, it is divided into residential and commercial. By distribution channel it is analyzed across direct distribution, supermarket/hypermarket, specialty stores, and e-commerce.


  • 轻工制造行业:七月BHI微降,全国建材家居市场延续淡季行情-周报(20210823-20210829)
    7 月BHI 较上月微降,全国建材家居市场延续淡季行情。由商务部流 通业发展司、中国建筑材料流通协会共同发布的全国建材家居景气指数 BHI7 月份全国建材家居景气指数(BHI)为120.84,环比下跌0.15 点,同 比上涨36.27 点。全国规模以上建材家居卖场7 月销售额为912.6 亿元,环 比下跌5.82%,同比上涨40.74%;2021 年1 至7 月累计销售额为5722.4 亿元,同比上涨68.24%。7 月仍为传统家装市场淡季,叠加高温多雨、洪 涝灾害等不利天气因素,以及新一轮疫情多点散发等因素的影响,BHI 较 上月微降,全国建材家居市场延续淡季行情,整体保持平稳态势。
  • 轻工制造行业:周报(第三十四周)
    截至8 月27 日,SW 轻工制造行业146 只个股(不含ST 及B 股)已有119家披露21H1 中期业绩,披露率达81.5%。从现有业绩披露情况看,上半年细分行业龙头业绩增长靓丽,21H1 定制家居龙头欧派家居、金属包装龙头奥瑞金、文具办公用品龙头晨光文具营收分别同增65.1%/41.0%/61.4%至82.00/65.49/76.86 亿元,归母净利分别同增107.0%/221.6%/43.4%至10.12/5.84/6.66 亿元,建议关注中报绩优个股及细分行业龙头。
  • 造纸服装行业:7月暴雨、疫情等影响社零增速,制造龙头中报加快复苏
    行情回顾:全周沪深300 指数下跌3.57%,创业板指数下跌4.55%,纺织服装行业指数下跌1.81%,表现强于沪深300 和创业板指数,其中纺织制造板块下跌1.15%,品牌服饰板块下跌2.26%。个股方面,我们覆盖的水星股份和伟星股份等取得了正收益。
  • 轻工纺服行业:上半年安踏体育各品牌流水高增,家居板块业绩如期修复-21W36周观点
    美护:爱美客2021年上半年实现营收6.33亿元,同比++16L9%; 归母净利润4.25亿元,同比++ 188.9%;上半年,溶液类注射产品收 入为4.76亿元,同增230.4%;凝胶类注射产品营收为1.48亿元, 同增57.4%。童颜针获批上市,投资韩国肉毒企业,产品管线持续 扩充,在研产品丰富。 
  • 轻工行业:整装与软体趋势愈加明显,快消与体育用品国潮崛起-21年中期策略

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