(报告加工时间:2019-02-13 -- 2019-02-24)


  • 利比亚食品和饮料报告2019年
    North African cuisine contains many elements of African and Mediterranean cultures, with other factors shaping food consumption preference, including trading networks and the region's colonial heritage. Given the prevalence of Islam in the region, pork is marginalised; instead, lamb and fish are widely consumed. Couscous is also part of the staple diet across the region. While governments across the region have traditionally supported consumption through subsidies, Morocco has put an end to these policies in recent years, in a bid to reduce budget shortfalls. For now, food subsidies remain in place in Algeria, although the low oil price environment will continue to constrain government revenues and could result in subsidy cuts over the coming years.
  • 北欧饮料包装市场分析
    Beverage packaging plays a key role in beverage industry owing to its function in both logistics and marketing channels. It acts as a merchandising tool during the point of sale of beverages. Beverage packaging is ideally preferred by the beverage manufacturer in order to prevent leakage, chemical deterioration, and alteration in the flavor of the products. Furthermore, packaging offers advantage of convenience in storage as well as usage of the beverages. The Nordic beverage packaging market has been segmented based on four parameters including product, material, application, and country. In terms of product, the market has been segmented into cans, bottle, jars, pouches, cartons, and others. Others include cups, bowls, stick packs, and sachets. These products are used for the packaging of various beverage products such as carbonated drinks, non-carbonated drinks, alcohol, and beverage powders such as coffee.


  • 食品饮料:海天涪陵认知度最高,对健康概念需求强-调味品春节问卷调研系列
    从叠加年龄层的交叉分析中,我们得出了一些有趣的结论: 在做饭频率方面,尽管90后目前在家做饭频率不高,但随着结婚生子带来的生活环境变化,做饭频率将上升。
  • 食品饮料行业:春节动销平稳,外资助推修复-2019年2月报
  • 食品饮料行业:白酒业绩预告亮眼,乳品春节销售良好-动态报告
    2018年上市白酒企业成绩显著,茅台、五粮液营收同比增长23%和32%,净利润同比增长25%和38%,其他名酒如洋河、古井贡、水井坊、牛栏山等营收及净利润增长均超过两位数。乳品方面,伊利蒙牛春节动销情况良好,草根调研数据显示伊利1 月份整体及核心产品营收同比增幅较大。
  • 食品饮料行业:淘数据1月跟踪_酒类旺销涨势难挡,食饮销量节前上扬-月度报告
    临近春节消费者需求有所上升,同时各品牌加大促销力度,使本月电商销售数据大幅走高,本月酒类、乳制品、休闲食品销量环比上涨 42.95%、14.04%、15.66%,节前酒类销量增速远高于其他子行业,其原因在于受春节传统习俗的影响,酒类使用范围更加广泛,需求量增长弹性更大。

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