(报告加工时间:2016-12-19 -- 2016-12-25)


  • 2015-2016年中国健康电子市场竞争分析
  • 2015-2016年中国光伏逆变器市场竞争分析
  • 2015-2016年中国农机装备产业分析与预测
    2004年,我国颁布《中华人民共和国农业机械化促进法》,第一次将农机工业上升到法律层面,第一次采用财政补贴的方式促进农业机械化发展。近十年时间里,国家部委先后出台《农机工业发展政策》、《 2012年农业机械购置补贴实施指导意见》、《 2015—2017年农业机械购置补贴实施指导意见》等政策文件,以规范农机装备的发展。2016年,中央一号文件再次聚焦三农问题,要求大力推进农业现代化建设,加快研发高端农机装备及关键核心零部件,提升主要农作物生产全程机械化水平,推进林业装备现代化。
  • 2015-2016年中国绿色照明市场竞争分析


  • 全球微机电系统市场报告(2016-2020年)
    MEMS are miniaturized devices and structures that are made using the techniques of microfabrication. These combine mechanical, optical, and fluidic elements with electronics. The size of MEMS devices can range from less than one micron up to a number of millimeters. These devices are integrated with a number of devices such as smartphones, tablets, wearables, vehicles, medical devices, and industrial devices for carrying out different types of automated functions. Consumer electronics is the largest market for MEMS.
  • 全球电动滑板车电池市场报告(2016-2020年)
    E2W (electric two-wheeler) is a term used for electric motorcycles, scooters, and bicycles. They are powered by batteries instead of liquid fuel. E2Ws are equipped with a DC motor, controller, battery, and charger, instead of an ICE (internal combustion engine), as used in liquid fuel-powered two wheelers. E2Ws are considered more environment-friendly, as well as a fuel saving alternative in comparison with liquid fuel- powered two-wheelers. They are a sound choice for short-range travel requirements. In the E2W segment, E-scooters are growing in the market.
  • 全球分立电容器市场报告(2016-2020年)
    A normal form of a capacitor is a one that preserves and discharges electrical energy without any loss of energy. A discrete capacitor, on the other hand, can have losses of electric current due to the nature of its capacitor components. Discrete capacitors can be made of different materials such as ceramic or plastic dielectric and also have different types of build-up depending on the applications. These capacitors have varied capacitance fluctuation due to a higher level of frequencies.
  • 全球电子设计自动化市场报告(2016-2020年)
    EDA comprises software tools used in the designing of electronic systems and components such as ICs and PCBs. The tools allow electrical (hardware) and computer (software) engineers to design, analyze, and simulate electronic components and systems. They are also used to derive methodologies and algorithms that aid in the designing of ultra-large-scale integration (ULSI) circuits. Segments such as CAE, semiconductor IP, IC physical design and verification, PCB and MCM, and services add up to drive the growth of the global EDA market.
  • 全球微波无线电市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Microwave radios work on the underlying principle of microwave transmission. They transmit or exchange information between two devices using electromagnetic waves, having a wavelength ranging from 30 cm to 0.1 cm with radio spectrum of 1 GHz to 300 GHz. Microwaves follow point-to-point communication and can be easily directed by small-sized antennas, which point these narrow beams toward receiving antenna. The range of electromagnetic waves, which work on a frequency of above 30 GHz to below 100 GHz and have a wavelength of 10 mm to 3 mm, is called millimeter band. Radio waves in this band face strong attenuation from Earth’s atmosphere. The waves with a wide band of frequencies, around 60 GHz, get attenuated by oxygen.


  • 机械军工行业:周而复始,见机而作-年度策略
    油价回暖将有效促进油气开采行业回春:原油价格波劢癿最根本原因仌是供需问题。 OPEC 不非 OPEC 国家历叱性达成减产协议后,如果在 2017 年开始生效后能够全面落实,国际油价将有效稳定在目前癿 50-60 美元/桶价格匙间。我们讣为油价癿回升将会给努探开采企业带来油气资源资产价值癿重估,在油价回升起步阶段弹性最大。重点推荐两家油气业务单比轳大癿公叵:中天能源(油气产业一体化运营,有效推升业绩增长)和洲际油气(油气资源储备丰富,叐益油价底部复苏)。
  • 机械设备行业:城轨建设如火如荼,通用航空蓄势待发-周报
  • 电气设备行业:风电水电“十三五规划发布,首批增量配电试点确定-周报第40期
    国家能源局印发《风电发展“十三五”规划》。规划提出到2020年底,风电累计并网装机容量确保达到 2.1 亿千瓦以上,其中海上风电并网装机容量达到 500 万千瓦以上,风电年发电量确保达到 4200 亿千瓦时;有效解决弃风问题,“三北”地区全面达到最低保障性收购利用小时数的要求;不断提高风电设备制造水平和研发能力;加快开发中东部和南方地区陆上风能资源。 

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