(报告加工时间:2020-12-28 -- 2021-01-10)



  • 中国农业问题报告与分析-第581期
    11 月 27 日,农业农村部部长韩长赋在“脱贫地区特色产业可持续发展论坛”上说,要把更多资源集聚到产业发展上,推进脱贫地区特色产业可持续发展。
  • 中国农业问题报告与分析-第578期
    近日,农业农村部联合科技部、财政部、人力资源社会保障部等 7 部门印发《关于推进返乡入乡创业园建设 提升农村创业创新水平的意见》,提出到 2025年,在全国县域建设 1500 个返乡入乡创业园,吸引 300 万返乡入乡人员创业创新,带动 2000 万农民工就地就近就业。 
  • 中国农业问题报告与分析-第582期
    目前,全国 832 个国家贫困县已经全部脱贫摘帽,剩余的贫困人口正在履行退出程序;到今年底,所有贫困人口也将全部退出。
  • 中国农业问题报告与分析-第579期
  • 中国农业问题报告与分析-第580期
    随着贵州省宣布最后 9 个深度贫困县退出贫困县序列,全国脱贫攻坚目标任务已经完成。


  • 全球家禽蛋白展望
  • 全球猪肉蛋白区域报告
    The introduction of swappable battery vehicles allows the rider to replace discharged battery with a charged one at dedicated swapping center. This in turn has increased the fleet uptime substantially while also reducing the operation costs. The use of swappable batteries will also move the micro mobility industry to profitability. Also, with the use of swappable batteries, the scooter unit economies can be improved as it not only cuts a large part of the charging costs, it also improves the vehicle availability.
  • 全球土壤水分传感器市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Soil moisture sensor is an agricultural equipment, which measures the quantity of water content in the soil on the basis of volumetric or gravimetric methods. In agriculture, soil moisture sensor is connected to an irrigation system controller for measuring the soil moisture content in the active root zone before each scheduled irrigation event so as to bypass the cycle when the soil moisture content is above a user-defined set point. The scope of the report discusses the potential opportunities for the key players to enter the global soil moisture sensor market. Furthermore, it provides an in-depth analysis of the market, outlining current trends, key driving factors, and key area of investment. The report includes Porter’s five forces analysis to understand the competitive scenario of the industry and role of each stakeholder in the value chain. Moreover, it features the strategies adopted by key market players to maintain their foothold in the market.


  • 农业行业:周期景气轮换,关注成长机会
    2021年农业投资机会展望:1)关注养殖后周期板决,自上而下优选动保,业绩 处于向上通道,顺周期布局正当时;2)猪价步入下行周期,但头部企业竞争优 势增强,自下而上精选养殖龙头,投资机会侧重以量补价及高成长逻辑:3)粮 价稳中有升,制种基本面逐步改善,且转基因育种政策有望加快推进,催化投资 情绪。 
  • 农林牧渔行业:政策层面高度重视种子问题,转基因玉米商业化渐行渐近-深度报告
    全球转基因作物商业化种植始于1996 年,1996-2019 年全球转基因作物种植面积从170 万公顷攀升至1.904 亿公顷,年复合增长率22.8%,2013-2019 年转基因作物种植面积趋于稳定,年复合增长率1.4%。全球排名前五位的国家依次为美国、巴西、阿根廷、加拿大、印度,前五大国转基因作物种植面积占比高达91%,五大主产国转基因应用率接近饱和。全球前四大转基因作物依次为大豆、玉米、棉花、油菜,2019 年四大品种种植面积占全球转基因总种植面积99.05%。

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