(报告加工时间:2021-12-20 -- 2021-12-26)



  • 全球医疗聊天机器人市场报告(2021-2026年)
    Chatbots are computer programs that allow humans to interact and clear various queries relating to various topics, and thereby benefit from the technology. Humans send inputs via texts, messages, voices, and some other gestures to enable interaction with chatbots. Over the past decade, chatbots were employed only in providing customer service; in recent years, chatbots have evolved significantly and are penetrating numerous sectors. Many industries have realized the power of conversations and are thereby investing funds to increase the adoption of chatbots. The industries are exploring the major advantages that these chatbots can provide to their businesses; in this context, AI-driven chatbots are being widely popularized and different sectors are showing an interest in adopting them in their mainstream operations.
  • 全球医疗传感器市场报告(2021-2026年)
    Technology plays a very important role in the healthcare and medical fields. Several technological equipment and devices such as digital thermometers, insulin pumps, smart inhaler pulse oximeters, blood glucose meters, wireless brain sensors have been designed for better healthcare. In the medical field, over 500,000 technological devices are being used in hospital settings and various other healthcare facilities. With growing technology in healthcare, there have been advancements in Internet of Things (IoT) and sensors that improve patient safety, information accuracy, and critical quality control. Healthcare technology has the potential to improve the use of sensors in the medical sector.
  • 全球可穿戴健身追踪器市场报告(2021-2028年)
    A wearable fitness tracker is a device, which uses sensors to track user movement, orientation, and rotation. This device gathers data and transforms it into calories, steps, sleep quality, and other activities that the user performs. Many trackers also have an 'altimeter' sensor, which measures altitude to track the number of flights of stairs climbed. These trackers can simply figure whether the user is running or not. In addition, the alarm in the tracker reminds about a variety of things such as drinking enough water, standing, walking, completing the number of steps, sleeping on the right time, and others. This device provides solutions to individuals who are involved in working toward a precise health & fitness goal.


  • 5G移动通信技术在降低电力通信系统时延的应用分析


  • 计算机应用行业:屡被提及,数字经济到底是什么
    数字经济,作为经济学概念的数字经济是人类通过大数据(数字化的知识与信息)的识别—选择—过滤—存储—使用,引导、实现资源的快速优化配置与再生、实现经济高质量发展的经济形态。数字经济,作为一个内涵比较宽泛的概念,凡是直接或间接利用数据来引导资源发挥作用,推动生产力发展的经济形态都可以纳入其范畴。在技术层面,包括大数据、云计算、物联网、区块链、人工智能、5G 通信等新兴技术。在应用层面,“新零售”、“新制造”等都是其典型代表。


  • 金蜜蜂中国信息通信技术行业企业社会责任报告研究

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