(报告加工时间:2014-05-19 -- 2014-06-08)



  • 板块盈利分化加剧――传媒行业2013年年报暨2014年一季报综述
  • 2014年5月(下半月)通信行业要闻综述
  • 2014年5月(上半月)通信行业要闻综述
    工信部网站5月9日报道,为贯彻落实党的十八届三中全会关于全面深化改革、完善主要由市场决定价格的机制精神,决定放开各类电信业务资费。主要有以下五方面: 一、所有电信业务资费均实行市场调节价。电信企业可以根据市场情况和用户需求制定电信业务资费方案,自主确定具体资费结构、资费标准及计费方式。 二、电信企业自主制定电信业务资费方案时,应当遵循合法、公平、诚信原则,考虑用户的不同需求,提供业务打包等多种资费方案供用户选择。 三、电信企业应进一步提高资费透明度,建立资费方案公示制度,通过营业厅、代理代办点、网站等方式公布所有面向公众市场的在售资费方案。 四、电信企业与用户签订的协议中应包含资费标准、计费方式、对应服务和适用期限等内容。 五、电信企业要严格执行有关政策,履行社会责任,建立健全电信资费内部管理制度,自觉规范经营行为,努力降低经营成本,为用户提供更优质、更低廉、更透明的电信服务。
  • 2014年1季度通信行业分析报告
  • 新兴产业周刊——2014年第20期


  • 格雷戈里·勒布托克有关信息学和地球科学衔接方面的研究
    With the tragic passing this year of Gregory Leptoukh, the Earth and Space Sciences community lost a tireless participant in--and advocate for--science informatics. Throughout his career at NASA, Dr. Leptoukh established a theme of bridging the gulf between the informatics and science communities. Nowhere is this more evident than his leadership in the development of Giovanni (GES DISC Interactive Online Visualization ANd aNalysis Infrastructure). Giovanni is an online tool that serves to hide the often-complex technical details of data format and structure, making science data easier to explore and use by Earth scientists. To date Giovanni has been acknowledged as a contributor in 500-odd scientific articles. In recent years, Leptoukh concentrated his efforts on multi-sensor data inter-comparison, merging and fusion. This work exposed several challenges at the intersection of data and science. One of these was the ease with which a naive user might generate spurious comparisons, a potential hazard that was the genesis of the Multi-sensor Data Synergy Advisor (MDSA). The MDSA uses semantic ontologies and inference rules to organize knowledge about dataset quality and other salient characteristics in order to advise users on potential caveats for comparing or merging two datasets. Recently, Leptoukh also led the development of AeroStat, an online Giovanni instance to investigate aerosols via statistics from station and satellite comparisons and merged maps of data from more than one instrument. Aerostat offers a neural net based bias adjustment to harmonize the data by removing systematic offsets between datasets before merging. These examples exhibit Leptoukh's talent for adopting advanced computer technologies in the service of making science data more accessible to researchers. In this, he set an example that is at once both vital and challenging for the ESSI community to emulate.
  • 交通管理中心决策支持工具的应用实证
    Decision support tools were developed in previous Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) research projects to allow for better analysis and visualization of historical traffic and incident data, in support of incident management and traffic management centers (TMCs). The goal of this demonstration project is to implement the use of these decision support tools at a traffic management center in Florida and demonstrate the benefits of these tools in a traffic management center (TMC) environment. The TMC of FDOT District 5 was selected as the demonstration site. Three decision support functions were implemented for the I-4 corridor managed by FDOT District 5. These are normal day traffic pattern and parameter identification, incident impact estimation, and historical detector data play back using the Remote Traffic Microwave Sensor (RTMS) simulator.


  • 基于全球标杆运营商分析的中国移动LTE发展策略建议
  • 新兴产业周刊——2014年第18期
  • 新兴产业周刊——2014年第17期

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