(报告加工时间:2015-02-01 -- 2015-03-10)


  • 配置灵活型股基,侧重价值风格---2014年12月基金投资策略月报
    我们认为,12 月初在短期乐观情绪推动下,市场有望在金融地产等权重股带领下继续冲高,预计12 月上旬,在快速上涨之后获利离场的意愿有可能会上升,股市有较大的回落风险。
  • 注重基金选股能力,积极把握主题机会---2014年10月基金投资策略月报
    我们认为10 月下旬的四中全会前,A 股上涨为大概率事件,而会后调整有可能成为主基调,建议投资者注重基金选股能力,积极把握主题机会。选取管理人实力雄厚、选股能力强、各期业绩稳健的基金。
  • 保险汇编-第701期
  • 银行汇编-第699期
  • 电子商务-第043期
  • 电子商务-第042期
  • 金融汇编-第699期


  • 全球社交客户关系管理CRM软件市场报告(2015-2019年)
    Social CRM is an advanced form of CRM that uses social media services, techniques, and technologies to enable organizations to interact with their target customers. It is a business strategy supported by technological platforms, business processes, and social networks to help engage customers in a collaborative manner to provide mutual benefits to both parties. Social CRM has various applications, which include marketing, sales, customer services, social engagement with prospective customers, and social support for customers.
  • 亚太报告——保险(2014年12月)
    The Asian insurance market experienced robust growth over the last six months, underpinned by strong development and economic growth, and aided positive demographics, particularly a rapidly emerging middle class.
  • 全球风险分析市场报告(2015-2019年)
    Risk analytics is an effective tool to control risk and use various assumptions, including risk prevention and risk retention, to manage uncertain events. Risk can be financial, operational, or strategic in nature. Financial organizations have started developing risk analytics models and formulas to hedge against unforeseen risk and reduce regulatory capital. Many other organizations also develop risk models to optimize and mitigate risks that can negatively affect the organization's products or services. The risk analytics process includes priority-based risk identification and use of internal and external data to measure the risk; information collection; and taking appropriate measures to minimize risk. In addition, future risks can be predicted, and necessary actions and business decisions can be taken by analyzing historical risk patterns. The demand for risk analytics is driven by the Banking, Insurance, and Non-traditional sectors such as Manufacturing and Transportation.
  • 全球社会商业智能BI市场报告(2015-2019年)
    Social media are a business tool that helps organizations create and maintain their visibility and brand image. They provide a wide range of services, communications, and feedback, which help in understanding customer demands and needs. However, this generates a huge volume of data from diverse sources and creates a gap between understanding these data and using them for the future benefit of organizations. BI bridges this gap and converts unstructured data into actionable insights and helps organizations make enhanced and well-informed decisions. Social BI uses enterprise tools such as CRM and marketing automation with BI output to aid in making collective decisions. It helps interpret the data generated from social networking sites. It is usually managed by a third-party analytical software solution that combines project management software and social media engagement techniques. Social BI is a relatively new concept and is thus witnessing increased adoption by organizations across various industry verticals.

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