(报告加工时间:2019-01-22 -- 2019-02-24)


  • 印度尼西亚运输部门报告(2019-2020年)
    Indonesia’s transportation sector is dominated by state-owned enterprises (SOEs), with limits imposed on foreign ownership. Rapid urbanisation and a growing population have driven the need for more efficient transportation modes. Despite the dominance of SOEs across the land, air, water and urban transportation subsectors, there are opportunities in underserved areas and services. Transportation companies make up 7% of all companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange as of end-2017, a majority of these being maritime shipping companies due to the country’s sizeable oil and gas industry.
  • 印度尼西亚旅游和休闲行业报告(2019-2020年)
    The highly attractive and prospective Indonesian tourism sector has attracted both domestic and international hotel groups. The market structure of the tourism sector is highly competitive, especially in areas such as Bali and Jakarta, where the majority of visits with tourism purposes are concentrated. These two islands attracted a large influx of investment, leading to excess supply. There were 2,387 classified hotels operating in Indonesia as of end-2016, according to the latest available data. Nearly 40% of the hotels are based on Java and 13% on the resort island of Bali. That is mainly explained by the poor infrastructure outside of Java and Bali.


  • 餐饮旅游行业:从万宝盛华对比科锐国际,看人力资源行业发展趋势-深度分析
  • 餐饮旅游行业:星巴克折戟茶饮,奶茶店能否支撑大市值公司?
  • 中国在线旅游市场年度综合分析2018
    本报告定义的在线旅游市场指服务提供商通过互联网或呼叫中心 ,以线上 或线下多种支付形式 ,为用户提供交通 、 住宿 、度假旅游等产品的综合信息检索 、 咨询与预订服务 ,从而形成的市场 。本报 告中的在线旅游市场包括交通 、在线住宿 、在线度假旅游三个细分市场 。
  • 社服行业:2018出境游稳增,酒店需求仍承压-2月报
    1 月(截至 1 月 30 日),餐饮旅游指数下跌 6.57%,同期沪深 300指数上涨 5.24%,上证综指上涨 3.28%,餐饮旅游板块跑输沪深300 指数 11.81 个百分点。 
  • 餐饮旅游行业:港澳游增速显著回升,韩国游低基数高增长继续-出境游月报
    行业新闻:(1)泰国政府正式公布,继续对中国等21 个国家和地区游客实行免除落地签证费措施至4 月30 日;(2)香港发展局局长黄伟纶透露,港珠澳大桥香港口岸离境层将于2019 年第一季度开设大型零售店铺,满足旅客购物需求。 投资建议:出境游板块建议关注众信旅游(002707,未评级)、腾邦国际(300178,未评级)、凯撒旅游(000796,未评级)。

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