(报告加工时间:2020-07-06 -- 2020-07-12)



  • 全球化妆品包装市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    The packaging in the cosmetic industry has gone leaps and bounds in recent years. The cosmetic industry has the most varied packaging requirements of all the other sectors. The materials used vary from different metals from glass, paper, and Plastics, and these materials are used to make containers with different shapes and sizes and dispensing mechanism.  Plastic in the form of primary containers, secondary flexible pouches, caps and closure, and the nozzle is one of the major packaging materials used by the cosmetic industry. The plastic tube is one of the major containers in the cosmetic industry as it is able to store liquid-solid and semisolid materials and able dispense products in the controlled proportions. Also, the, when compared to other containers tubes, are able to provide better contamination protection.  In order to cater to the increasing demand for tubes, various suppliers have come up with innovative offerings in the market. Most recently, Sally Hansen, a major cosmetics manufacturer in the global market, developed a squeezable tube paired with an applicator tip with the help of Topline.


  • 交通运输行业:短期回调,中期高景气延续-油运专题报告
  • 交通运输行业:把握快递板块回调补仓机会,关注高速公路板块的稳健性-2020年6月行业动态报告
    当前居民消费习惯由线下转至线上,网购渗透率不断提升,快递需求端潜力持续释放,预计快递行业景气度进一步提升,预计6 月行业增速有望超45%。近期,通达系快递标的股价有所回调,建议逢低补仓。推荐电商系市占率领先的韵达股份(002120.SZ)、市占率稳健提升的圆通速递(600233.SH)、管理效率逐步改善的低估值标的申通快递(002468.SZ);中长期看好迈向综合物流服务商的顺丰控股(002352.SZ)。

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