(报告加工时间:2013-08-26 -- 2013-11-10)



  • 白酒消费受抑,行业整体增速放缓--食品饮料行业2013年中报综述
  • 2013年6月中国乳品行业市场研究报告
  • 食品饮料行业季度分析报告——2013年1季度
    行业热点:稳定增长—在经济增速放缓的背景下,中国食品饮料工业仍保持较快增长的态势。2013 年1-3月,食品行业规模以上企业累计实现销售收入4063亿元,同比增长18.3%,利润总额329亿元,销售利润率8.10%。饮料行业实现销售收入1172亿元,同比增长15.2%,利润总额97亿元,销售利润率8.31%。海外投资—伊利股份发布公告称,公司新建新西兰年产4.7万吨婴儿配方奶粉项目已获中新双方政府审批,这意味着伊利此次海外投资项目已进入实质性阶段。在继传统的能源、制造、金融等行业之后,中国的乳企开始将触角伸向全球,中国乳业的国际化之路正在加速前行。速冻米面—产量爆发性上升,成本上涨。2013年1-2月速冻米面食品累计产量109.93万吨,累计增长63.93%,出现较快增长。成本方面,2013年3月22日,面粉、籼米和粳米批发均价分别为3.4元/公斤、4.13元/公斤和4.7元/公斤。面粉和籼米价格较去年同期分别上涨8.97%与3.51%,粳米价格与去年同期持平。
  • 中国乳品市场报告(2012-2016年)
    The Dairy Products market in China is expected to witness rapid growth during the period 2012-2016. The APAC region accounted for almost 25 percent of the Global Dairy Products market in 2012, and China is the leading country in the region, contributing the greatest demand for dairy products. The growing population, urbanization, and increase in consumer income are leading to the growth of the market in China. The overall market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.87 percent during the forecast period.
  • 全球食品安全检测市场报告(2012-2016年)
    Food safety testing refers to testing, inspection, and verification of food products to help detect contaminants responsible for food-borne illness, toxicity, and poisoning. Foods products are contaminated by various contaminants such as pathogens, toxins, GMOs, pesticides, and others. Pathogens are the main contaminants present in food products. The outbreaks of food poisoning cases leading to the death of many people in recent years have increased the concern about food safety and its testing. Food safety testing checks whether harmful food pathogens and allergens are present in the tested food, thereby keeping contaminated products away from the consumers.


  • 亚太报告——食品饮料行业2013年9月
    The convenience food segment is one of the Asia-Pacific’s most dynamic markets. Consumers are increasingly looking for portable and convenience foods that do not compromise on quality and taste to fit with their increasingly busy and mobile lifestyles. Food safety concerns continue in China as new scandals have emerged over the past six months, affecting the reputation of the industry. The full ramifications of the Fonterra safety scare are still being assessed. Investigation of tainted dairy products and high dairy prices incidents has led to price reductions by many producers. The Chinese Government responded by tightening import rules to protect the local producers while reforming the industry.

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