(报告加工时间:2021-11-22 -- 2022-12-04)


  • 全球栅栏市场报告(2021-2026年)
    Fencing is a structure or barrier used to protect or divide a property by enclosing or bordering it. The rising concern for security and safety and increasing consumer interest toward home décor and improvement are driving the global fencing market. Fencing is of two types, which includes fixed and temporary. Fixed fences are those that stay for a longer duration with minimal repairs, whereas temporary fences stay in place for a shorter period and are not required to be constructed sturdily. These fencing majorly come in materials such as metal (particularly aluminum and steel), wood, plastic & composite, and concrete. Metal fencing dominated the market and accounted for a share of 48.08% in 2020, followed by wood with a share of 25.35%. Metal dominates the segment due to the increasing demand for barbed wire fences, which provide higher security. For privacy fencing, wood is a stylish and great fencing option. The demand for wood used in fencing has been higher in Western Europe and Nordic countries. These countries lead the demand for wooden fencing compared with other countries.
  • 全球绳索、绳索、麻绳和网业报告到2026年
    Manufacture of twine, cordage, rope and cables of textile fibres or strip or the like, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics Manufacture of knotted netting of twine, cordage or rope Manufacture of products of rope or netting: fishing nets, ships' fenders, unloading cushions, loading slings, rope or cable fitted with metal rings etc.
  • 全球建筑商的木工和细木工行业报告到2026年
    Manufacture of wooden goods intended to be used primarily in the construction industry: Beams, rafters, roof struts Glue-laminated or metal connected prefabricated wooden roof trusses Doors, windows, shutters and their frames, whether or not containing metal fittings, such as hinges, locks etc. Stairs, railings Wooden beadings and mouldings, shingles and shakes Parquet floor blocks, strips etc., assembled into panels Manufacture of prefabricated buildings, or elements thereof, predominantly of wood Manufacture of mobile homes Manufacture of wood partitions (except free standing)


  • 轻工制造行业:磨底并分化,静望春风来-年度策略
    展望 2023 年,轻工制造板块机遇与挑战并存,我们建议从三条主线把握行 业投资机会。1)受益于行业分化:急剧变化的市场环境下龙头竞争优势愈 轻工制造 增持 (维持) 研究员 吕明璋 SAC No. S0570521060001 lvmingzhang@htsc.com +(86) 21 2897 2228 联系人 刘思奇 加凸显,逆势加速份额提升,重点推荐内功强化、长期成长逻辑顺畅的家居 龙头及消费轻工龙头。2)受益于消费复苏:23 年地产销售磨底后有望迎来 改善,竣工端则有望受益于保交付,同时叠加 22 年需求低基数,23 年消费 复苏值得期待,预期修复下重点推荐股价经过深度回调、估值正处低位的家 居板块。3)受益于盈利改善:重点推荐原材料价格回落预期下成本压力有 望逐步释放的中游制造企业,重点推荐纸包装龙头和金属包装龙头。
  • 轻工制造行业:家具环比略有改善,文化办公及日用品承压-点评报告
    10 月社零有所承压,线上渠道加速。2022M10 社零总额4.03 万亿元, 同比-0.5%,主要系疫情反复影响,各地管控趋严,消费受到一定冲击; 除汽车以外消费品零售额3.7 万亿元,同比-0.9%。2022M1-10 社零总额 累计同比0.6%,其中除汽车以外消费品零售额同比0.5%。分渠道看, 2022M10 实物商品网上零售额为1.21 万亿元,同比+22.1%,加速明显; 2022M1-10 实物商品网上零售额为9.45 万亿元,同比+7.2%。2022M10 实物商品网上零售额占社零总额的比例为30.1%,同比+3.5pp。分品类 看,2022M10 增速前三的品类有:中西药品类(同比+8.9%,2022M1- 10 同比+9.3%)、粮油食品类(同比+8.3%,2022M1-10 同比+9.0%)、饮 料类(同比+4.1%,2022M1-10 同比+6.6%)
  • 轻工制造行业:喜临门、百亚超额明显,宠物赛道延续高景气-双十一专题
    家居:床垫赛道本轮双十一增速于家居最高,喜临门表现最为靓丽,市场份额提 升至27%(21 年22%),持续推进。此外家居是重度依赖线下消费场景的地产链 条,近期压制板块估值的两大因素均开始修复,推荐布局龙头:欧派家居、喜临 门、顾家家居、索菲亚、志邦家居、敏华控股,关注皮阿诺(保利入股打开成长 空间)、江山欧派。 必选:个护品牌集中趋势显著,百亚股份表现最为突出,公司线上线下渠道调 整后建设基础扎实,份额提升路径清晰,持续推荐。近期纸浆中针叶浆已经松 动,阔叶浆高位横盘,随着海外Arauco 等新增产能投产预期23Q1 开始下行, 推荐布局必选板块中的纸浆反周期标的维达国际、中顺洁柔。 宠物:近期板块调整后,当前上市宠物龙头估值已充分反映海外增长压力的悲观 预期,而中长期看海外库存调整在23Q1-23Q2 有望完成,叠加海外进入降息周 期,需求将拉动增长,23 年无需过忧。国内市场本轮双十一充分验证赛道高景 气,行业国产化替代趋势显著,龙头自主品牌持续高增长,叠加乖宝上市后有望 拉动板块估值修复,持续推荐宠物板块龙头:中宠股份、佩蒂股份,建议关注待 上市龙头乖宝宠物。

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