(报告加工时间:2022-08-29 -- 2022-09-05)



  • 全球外周静脉导管PIVC市场展望预测报告(2021-2026年)
    Intravenous (IV) therapy helps to deliver medications, fluids, and other nutrients directly into the body through veins. IV therapy is used during lifesaving therapeutic treatment and in wellness treatment. Since ancient times, blood therapy has been around, and blood has been viewed as a therapeutic substance. However, lack of proper understanding of blood types, infectious agents, and the absence of ideal materials such as plastics held back IV therapy for centuries. Later, IV therapy became the fastest way of delivering blood products, medications, vitamins, or other vital fluids. IV therapy is usually provided to the patient with the help of an intravenous catheter, either through an injection with a syringe or infusion.
  • 全球腹腔镜和内窥镜设备市场分析与预测报告(2022-2031年)
    Endoscopy: According to the National Cancer Institute endoscopy is defined as “a procedure that uses an endoscope to examine the inside of the body. An endoscope is a thin, tube-like instrument with a light and a lens for viewing. It may also have a tool to remove tissue to be checked under a microscope for signs of disease.”  Capsule Endoscopy: According to Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER), capsule endoscopy is defined as, “a procedure that uses a tiny wireless camera to take pictures of your digestive tract. A capsule endoscopy camera sits inside a vitamin-size capsule you swallow. As the capsule travels through your digestive tract, the camera takes thousands of pictures that are transmitted to a recorder you wear on a belt around your waist’.
  • 全球医疗传感器市场展望预测报告(2021-2026年)
    Technology plays a very important role in the healthcare and medical fields. Several technological equipment and devices such as digital thermometers, insulin pumps, smart inhaler pulse oximeters, blood glucose meters, wireless brain sensors have been designed for better healthcare. In the medical field, over 500,000 technological devices are being used in hospital settings and various other healthcare facilities. With growing technology in healthcare, there have been advancements in Internet of Things (IoT) and sensors that improve patient safety, information accuracy, and critical quality control. Healthcare technology has the potential to improve the use of sensors in the medical sector.


  • 电子行业:从中报业绩看海外衰退影响-专题研究
    2Q 全球智能手机,PC 等消费电子产品需求出现明显下滑,2Q22 手机品牌厂商及上游供应链库存仍然处于高位,且去库存行动对公司毛利率造成了一定拖累。受下游消费电子需求疲软影响,根据WSTS,2022 年6 月全球半导体行业销售额为508.2 亿美元,同比增长13.3%,环比减少1.9% 。2Q22全球主要芯片厂商库存水平处于高位。云计算中2Q 海外云客户需求平稳,国内互联网云厂商资本开支不及factset 预期。展望未来,我们建议关注(1)中美竞争压力下有望加速增长板块(设备/材料),(2) 市场预期足够悲观(CIS 等手机芯片)和高景气有望持续(功率,光芯片,高性能计算)板块。
  • 计算机行业:我们为什么看好EDA软件的国产机遇?-EDA系列报告之(2)
    我们于2021年7月外发EDA系列报告第一篇《EDA 行业报告:从华大九天看国产EDA的“逆风而上”》全面介绍了EDA行业的发展历程、市场空间、技术路径等,同时也系统性复盘了海外EDA行业的发展史以及三巨头的核心优势,比较了当前国内EDA的发展情况及竞争格局。本篇报告作为EDA系列报告的第二篇,我们将系统性梳理我们为什么看好EDA软件的国产机遇的核心原因,以及重申EDA软件赛道的投资价值。
  • 锂电产业行业:正极产能快速扩张,磷酸锰铁锂和高镍三元是未来主流技术方向-专题报告
  • 军工行业:信息化提速,新技术涌现-新动力系列报告(一)
  • 通信行业:电信运营商成长渐入佳境,物联网行业中报业绩表现突出-月报(2022年8月)
    电信运营商是我们在8 月多次进行重点推荐的行业,行业龙头中国移动也在本月取得了11.98%的涨幅,大幅跑赢沪深两市指数和通信行业指数。我们的核心逻辑是在经历了多年的大规模网络建设投资、提速降费和份额竞争后,从2019-2020 年开始,电信运营商多项收入与盈利指标已逐步改善,传统业务企稳回暖,数字经济的浪潮也为行业注入新的成长动能。站在当前时点,今年中报披露后电信运营商的成长性得到进一步验证,并且同时拥有高股息率和全球同行业公司中的较低估值水平,配置的性价比凸显。我们重点推荐国内电信运营商龙头中国移动。

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