(报告加工时间:2016-12-13 -- 2016-12-18)


  • 计算机行业:冬至将至,春天未远-周报
    短期来看,我们维持谨慎观点。定增解禁高峰将至(12 月规模为过去三月总额)和明年 1 月起外延并表效应(行业并购潮 14 年初开始,按三年承诺期计)加速递减,是需要考虑的因素。如果计算机指数短期随大盘补涨,我们认为也限于反弹。但长期来看,我们并不悲观。股价从超长周期来看,只是产业趋势的映射。冬至将至,春天未远。从互联网到人工智能,以计算机为代表的创新驱动无疑代表着中国未来。


  • 全球金融服务行业私营和公共云市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Financial services are the services offered by the financial sector to help credit companies, insurance companies, account companies, banks, investment fund firms, and finance firms to manage capital. Advances in technology have led to the growth of the financial services industry. Ongoing operational costs in the industry can be significantly reduced with the adoption of cloud computing. It helps financial industries expand their geographical reach and increase customers base.
  • 全球智能电网网络安全市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Smart grid cyber security involves protection against serious cyber threats that affect the users of smart grid technology globally. Security of the smart grid network has been an area of concern for the power utility sector, given the frequent exchange of sensitive information that takes place via communication networks such as the internet, intranets, corporate networks, and extranets. The power utility sector needs various controlling techniques to moderate the adverse effects of unauthorized access of smart grid data. For instance, hackers could assume control of smart grid applications and servers and access confidential information. Hence, the smart grids require security measures that not only administer these systems and equipment efficiently but also ensure a secure exchange of information between these systems.
  • 全球压力敏感标签市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Pressure sensitive labels in product packaging act as sources of information on pack contents, help in locating products through barcodes, tracking, tracing and authentication of devices and are also useful for promotion and decoration. Pressure sensitive labels are a valuable and easily accessible marketing tool that helps manufacturers to apply labels directly on products.


  • 电子商务-第090期
  • 通信行业:《立足蓝筹变革,布局创新成长》-2017年度投资策略报告
    2016年截止11/24, WIND通信行业指数下跌12.59%,位居中流(第18/29位),仍有超过20只、 30%个股全年实现正收益,涨幅前10的个股中(扣除不可比公司),六只为光通信板块个股。行业高景气、市场风格偏好变化,铸就光通信作为2016年通信行业投资主线的地位,结合物联网、 5G的阶段性主题机会。
  • 通信行业:5G尚远,关注数据增长与万物互联-2017年投资策略

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