(报告加工时间:2018-09-03 -- 2018-12-02)


  • 骨移植替代品市场报告(2018-2025年)
    The bone grafts are used in surgical procedures for bone replacement and repair of bone fractures. Bone graft is helpful in spinal fusion surgeries ensuring new bone formation. Bone grafts are of several types which include allograft, autograft, and artificial graft. This report constitutes information about allografts, bone grafts substitutes, and cell-based matrices. Platelet concentrations and cost of autografts are excluded in this report. The bone graft market has witnessed remarkable growth and developments since last few years, owing to increase in incidences of musculoskeletal disorders and other bone & joint related disorders. Bone grafting is the emerging solution to musculoskeletal disorders. Furthermore, the advancements in medical technology has brought improvements in bone grafting methods by providing benefits in fixing bone, and other joints related problems.
  • 玻璃纤维市场分析和分段预测到2025年
    The rising demand for fiberglass is a perfect example of the evolving global industry dynamics. Fiberglass has gained significant prominence in recent years across various end-use industries due to its high strength and light weight. The shift in preference toward replacing conventional heavyweight metals with lightweight fiberglass for the manufacturing of automobiles is expected to be a driving force for the market over the forecast period.
  • 苯乙烯丁二烯橡胶市场分析预测到2025年
    The styrene butadiene rubber market has been segmented based on three parameters, namely product, application, and region. Based on the product, the market has been segmented into ESBR and S-SBR. Based on the application, the market has been segmented into tire, footwear, polymer modification, adhesive, and others. Based on region, the market has been the market has been segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of World.


  • 智能制造行业:锂电设备,分化还未定型,淘汰正在发生,宜居危而思安-专题报告(五)
    补贴退坡环境下,市场对锂电设备行业的疑虑:在政策支持与财政补贴下,我国新能源汽车销量由2011 年的8159 辆增加到2017 年的77.7 万辆,六年的CAGR 高达114%。动力电池作为新能源汽车的核心部件,出货量由2012 年的1.2GWh 增加到2017 年的44.5GWh,锂电供应商和锂电设备商纷纷受益。站在当前的时间点,市场对于锂电设备行业的持续性发展有以下几点疑虑:(1)补贴退坡后新能源汽车的行业景气度是否能得到延续?(2)补贴退坡与锂电池价格下降的压力向锂电设备商环节传导,是否会影响锂电设备商的利润及现金流?(3)锂电行业产能过剩,设备商的成长持续性从何而来?
  • 石油化工行业:“炼化-化纤”产业链周报:PX-PTA行情震荡下行,长丝行情持续走低
    11 月 1 日布伦特原油价格达 72.89 美元/桶,周环比下跌 5.20%;WTI 原油 63.69 美元/桶,周环比下跌 5.41%,WTI 与布伦特原油之间价差为 9.20 美元/桶,周环比缩小 3.77%。 

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