(报告加工时间:2022-03-21 -- 2022-03-27)



  • 2020年中国远洋渔业管理发展报告
  • 2015~2020年中国海洋生态文明示范区建设发展报告


  • 全球园艺手动工具市场报告(2021-2026年)
    Garden hand tools have supported people in their gardening activities over the last few generations. The garden hand tool category of gardening tools consists of power tools and water equipment. The global demand for garden hand tools was estimated at about $17.28 billion in 2020 and is expected to hit a value of $21.53 billion at a CAGR of 3.73% by 2026. The effective utilization of hand tools requires a proper study about the tool for the specific work to be carried out to improve productivity and reduce the margin of error. Lack of knowledge or negligence can lead to injuries. Moreover, proper usage and storage of the tools to avoid rusting are crucial. Digging, striking, and cutting functions require optimum input from the hand tools despite the dominance of other tool categories. Spades, shovels, pruners, augers, cultivators, shears, gardening forks, hoes, and saws are found in the basic tool kits of professional gardeners, horticulturists, and home gardeners today, signifying the momentum of hand tools.
  • 全球生物农药市场表现和展望到2025年
    Biopesticides provide farmers with efficient instruments on both fronts by delivering highly effective pest and disease management solutions while minimising environmental impact, and their active and inert ingredients are generally recognised as safe. Aside from the microbial content, carrier media for biopesticide formulation include a variety of organic materials such as animal broth, organic materials, or organic waste products.
  • 全球农业传感器市场分析与预测(2020-2026年)
    In recent times, high emphasis has been laid on the adverse effects of conventional agriculture on the environment. Some of these concerns include depletion of natural resources, misuse of synthetic chemical inputs into the soil, and contamination of water resources. To meet the growing global food demand with the increasing population, which is expected to reach 9.74 billion by 2050, alternative, and optimized ways of growing and monitoring crops have been innovated, thereby implementing smart farming techniques. This has led to a great rise in alternative production systems within both small growers and large-scale commercial productions.
  • 全球农林机械工业2026年
    GR&DS takes no responsibility for any incorrect information supplied in this report. Although GR&DS strives for accuracy in all its publications, this material may contain errors or omissions which derive from the primary and secondary research sources. This material is provided “as is“ and without any express or implied warranties, including merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose. GR&DS shall not be liable for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages as a result of its use. GR&DS s report must be construed solely as statements of opinion and not as statements of fact.


  • 农林牧渔行业:养殖板块业绩承压,种业板块边际改善-2021年业绩前瞻
    SW 农林牧渔行业有77 家公司公布了业绩预告,合计33 家企业预计归母净利润实现同比正增长,占比44.16%,其中,10 家企业同比增速上限超过100%,9 家企业同比上限增速在50%-100%之间。2021 年报业绩前瞻:养殖板块业绩承压,种业周期与成长共振。我们对重点公司业绩进行前瞻预测。生猪板块,预计板块整体业绩因2021 年猪价同比明显下降而承压,其中,牧原股份2021 年预计实现归母净利65 亿元~80亿元,同比减少70.86%~76.32%,是少有的实现盈利的猪企,成长特性凸显。
  • 农林牧渔行业:2月生猪养殖企业出栏数据及饲料端成本解读-“读懂猪周期系列报告九
    2 月上市猪企生猪销量环比-28% 22 年2 月我国上市养殖企业生猪销量合计约为1196.万头;考虑公司披露方式的因素,我们剔除牧原股份计算环比情况,12 家上市养殖企业2 月出栏环比-27.91%。除华统股份生猪销量环比上行以外,其余上市养殖企业均保持下行态势,环比跌幅在4%-48%;其中环比跌幅高于30%的主要有正邦科技、天康生物、东瑞股份、大北农。考虑到2 月份为农历春节时期,开工率较低,养殖企业出栏量下行存在一定客观因素。
  • 农林牧渔行业:粮价持续上涨,关注什么板块?


  • 河南加快推进农业转移人口市民化对策研究


  • 山东省淄博市原山林场基本实现现代化的创新做法

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