(报告加工时间:2020-03-30 -- 2020-04-26)



  • 全球表观遗传学市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The growth of the epigenetics market is attributed to the increasing prevalence and incidence of cancer, increasing funding and investment for research and development in epigenetics, and growth in the applications of epigenetics in non-oncology diseases, like autoimmune diseases, metabolic diseases, and cardiovascular diseases. Cancer Research UK suggests that if recent trends in incidence of major cancers and population growth are consistent, there will be 27.5 million new cancer cases worldwide each year by 2040. This is an increase of 61.7% from 2018 and is expected to be higher among the male population (with a rise of about 67.6%) as compared to the female population (with an estimated rise of 55.3%). This has boosted the demand for novel drugs through epigenetics research that are more effective and have lesser side effects. This surging demand has increased the researches in this field as well. In the last two decades, more than 7,000 grants and a total of more than GBP 6.5 billion have been granted, worldwide, for epigenetic research, according to the Medical Research Council (MRC) of the United Kingdom.
  • 全球免疫抑制剂市场报告(2019-2026年)
    Immunosuppressants are the class of drugs that are prescribed to prevent rejection of transplanted tissues and organs and these are also widely used in the treatment of autoimmune disorders such as Crohn’s disease, arthritis. The report of the immunosuppressant market involves the study of different drug classes that work as immunosuppressants, including corticosteroids, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), calcineurin inhibitors, mTOR inhibitors, and anti-proliferative agents. In addition, it covers the indications in which these drugs are used including organ transplantation, auto-immune disorders, and non-autoimmune inflammatory diseases. Moreover, this report provides a detailed analysis of the current market trends and future estimations from 2019 to 2026.


  • 科技行业:印度和东南亚疫情升级,对电子产业链冲击有多大?
    3 月中下旬开始,受疫情全球扩散影响,印度、越南、菲律宾、马来西亚、新加 坡等国家陆续宣布了半个月到一个月不等的“封城”措施,引起投资人对全球电 子产业链冲击的担忧。根据对印度、新加坡、越南等市场的分析,我们认为:(1) 目前实行中的印度“封城”如果长期化,对手机需求影响较大,但对全球供给链 影响有限;(2)新加坡、马来西亚是东南亚主要半导体产品出口国,全球供应链 的重要一环,如果新加坡、马来西亚疫情加剧,可能影响封测、存储器等产品的 供求关系;(3)越南过去几年承接的中国制造业外迁,是东南亚主要的组装基地, 越南的严格管控或将影响三星等品牌产能,但我们认为中国组装产能或可替代。 此外需要留意(4)菲律宾和泰国“封城”对 MLCC 和硬盘供应的影响。
  • 科技行业:飞书,字节跳动的协同办公探索-科技先锋系列报告69
    目前,飞书已从沟通工具拓展为包括即时通讯、在线文档、日历、视频会议和线上办公室 的办公套件,专注提升协同效率,在公司内部实现5万+员工全覆盖。

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