(报告加工时间:2016-08-08 -- 2016-08-07)


  • 航空航天军工行业:军民融合大浪潮,中国经济新引擎
  • 装备工业研究2016年第1期(总24期):我国车用动力电池产业发展对策研究终版-动力电池(201607)
  • 军工行业:政策加码助推军民融合持续深化,万亿市场成就跨年大主题-年中策略报告
    2016 年上半年,沪深300 指数累计下跌15.47%,表征军工行情的中航军工指数累计下跌19.21%,跑输大盘。在经历年初的大幅回调后,军工行业相对沪深 300指数的估值溢价率呈下降趋势。目前,军工整体估值已有所回归,各细分板块估值出现分化。除船舶外,其他板块的PE 基本在100 倍左右,而量子通信等新兴板块由于业绩好,股价低PE 仅约28 倍。未来,各细分板块的表现将持续分化,船舶制造等传统行业目前正处于行业的萧条期,整体估值又较高,未来表现势必相对较弱;而以量子通信和通用航空等为代表的正在崛起的行业,由于估值水平合理,未来业绩又可期,将成为未来投资的重点领域,值得重点关注。
  • 新能源设备行业:政策终稿仍未落地,产业链出现阶段性回调-周度报告
    第四批推荐车型目录以及国家补贴等一系列政策迟迟未能落地,新能源汽车行情出现阶段性回调。 本周 A 股下跌 1.02%,华金证券重点关注 6 支标癿股本周下跌 4.73%,建议关注标的股本周下跌 6.07%。锂资源板块本周下跌0.64%,电机电控板块和动力电池板块本周分别下跌 2.28%和 4.23%。华金建议关注股票 52 周涨幅最大,为 100.68%,华金证券重点关注标的市盈率估值为139.71X,比上上周微降 2.53X。
  • 有色新材料行业:全3D打印导弹已显露曙光-周报
    据中国3D打印网7月15日报道,雷神公司(Raytheon Company)表示已经使用3D打印技术制作了制导武器的几乎所有组成部分,这包括3D打印的火箭发动机,用于引导和控制系统的部件,导弹本身,导弹翅片。按照进度,在未来几个月雷神公司的3D打印导弹可能就会出现在战场上。
  • 行业月度报告-工程机械201606
    近期,尽管全社会固定资产投资增速有所回落,但基础设施投资增速加快,对工程机械市场的支撑作用将增强。同时,今年以来新开工项目计划总投资一直高位运行,对下一阶段投资增长有积极支撑作用,预示着未来投资增速将会出现一些积极的变化。未来,工程机械市场整体需求将处于逐步企稳回升过程中初步预计, 1~ 7月八大典型产品总销量约为 31.4 万台左右,同比增长 3%左右。
  • 电力设备与新能源行业:山东省已展开低速电动车企业调研,锂电有望受益-周报
  • 机械设备行业:发改委新批复两条铁路项目和两个轨道交通规划,中航打造通用航空聚集
  • 电梯行业:企业转型积极推进,主业稳健厚积薄发-专题报告
    目前国内电梯保有量超过 450 万台,按每台 5000 元/年计算维保市场也有近 200 亿空间,在安全问题频发的背景下,维保后市场有望规范发展。而形式上就是将原来由第三方维保转向整机厂商自维保发展。 近年上市企业的维保收入占比已经在逐步提升,维保市场正在成为电梯企业的第二增长点。 而从开工面积来看,二三线城市的开工面积远远超过一线城市,随着未来县域经济的发展,县域市场高层建筑的增多, 县域市场也将成为国内电梯行业的新增长点。


  • 全球铝压铸机械市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The aluminum die casting machinery is used to produce cast aluminum parts for applications in various end-user sectors, namely automotive, aerospace and defense, marine, telecommunications, and others, such as electronic appliances and renewable energy sectors.
  • 全球儿童自行车市场报告(2016-2020年)
    We expect the global children's bicycle market to grow at a CAGR of 2.31% during the forecast period. In 2015, APAC led the overall market for children's bicycles and was followed by Europe. The ROW, which is constituted of Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa, will see the fastest growth rate over the next five years. North America will register a slowdown in its growth rate owing to the increasing number of children preferring indoor play activities like video games. In addition, in key North American countries, children in the age group of 0-14 years accounted for a relatively small part of the total population. In the US, for instance, this segment represented only 19% of the total population in 2015, and in Canada, this was 15%. This presents a relatively small addressable market for bicycle vendors in the region.
  • 全球气相色谱仪市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Chromatography is a set of laboratory techniques used for separation of mixtures. It involves two stages: a mobile phase and a stationary phase. A mixture is dissolved in a fluid in the mobile phase (carrier gas) that carries it through a structure that holds another material (stationery phase), which is a microscopic layer of polymer or a liquid on a solid support. The separation of the mixture is caused by different speeds with which the constituents of the mixture travel. The separation is done on the basis of differential partitioning between mobile and stationery phases. Subtle differences in the partition coefficient of a compound lead to differential retention on the stationary phase, thereby changing the separation.
  • 全球焊接设备市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Welding technology is widely adopted in all small and large scale industries dealing with fabrication processes; it is also used for repairing and refurbishing metal products. Welding can be executed in all possible media, viz. air, space, and underwater. The process finds significant applications in automotive manufacturing; construction of residential, commercial, and industrial buildings; construction of bridges and other infrastructure; aerospace and defense; heavy machinery manufacturing; and all other fabrication industries or applications that require metal repairing.
  • 全球麻醉电子喉镜市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Anesthesia video laryngoscopes allow physicians to visualize the larynx indirectly through video technology. Laryngoscopy using these devices involves their insertion transnasally or transorally. The video feed from these devices is displayed on a monitor for clinicians to view, helping in the detection of medical abnormalities. The video feed or images can be recorded and magnified when displayed on the monitor for clear examination of the larynx.
  • 全球眼科激光市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Medical laser systems are used in various therapeutic areas such as dermatology, ophthalmology, gynecology, and urology. The introduction of a wide range of surgical and aesthetic treatments has led surgeons to perform various medical laser procedures. Advances in medical laser technology have led vendors to develop cost-effective photonic solutions, including beam delivery components and laser systems of different designs.
  • 全球医疗器械制造外包市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Medical technology is an integral part of the healthcare sector, which includes a wide range of healthcare products, devices, and techniques that are used to diagnose and treat diseases or medical conditions. These technologies are used to improve the quality of healthcare delivered through early diagnosis and effective therapy. Recent advancements in medical technology are more focused on cost reduction. Medical technology broadly includes medical devices, information technology, and biotech and healthcare services. The medical technology industry has expanded in recent years, driven primarily by increased expenditure on research and development of innovative products and techniques in the healthcare industry.
  • 全球3D医学影像设备市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The FDA categorizes medical imaging as a technology used to visualize the human body for the diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of medical conditions such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. CT scan, MRI, X-ray, and ultrasound are some of the medical imaging techniques that use 3D technology for advanced imaging. These 3D technologies offer high-resolution imaging, as high as 80,000 voxel or volumetric pixel, which is tenfold more than 2D medical imaging. 3D medical imaging provides better imaging of the anatomy and tissues than 2D equipment, to aid in surgical procedures. Many medical facilities worldwide use mammography or 3D X-ray imaging to diagnose breast cancer.
  • 全球体声波射频滤波器市场报告(2016-2020年)
    BAW filters support RFs in the range of 1.5-16 GHz in mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and dongles, as well as Bluetooth devices including GPS. These filters can be small in size or have a lean shape and apply either framework base or ladder formation. Two major types of BAW filters are film bulk acoustic resonators and solid-mounted form of bulk acoustic resonators.
  • 全球吸奶器市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Breast pumps are devices used to suction milk from the breasts of lactating mothers and store it in a container to provide a continuous supply of breast milk for feeding their infants as and when required. For instance, when the mothers are not able to feed directly or are away for work, the stored milk can be fed to the infant by the caretakers. Breast pumps assist in triggering the milk ejection response from lactating mothers by creating a seal around the nipple and applying and releasing pressure.

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