(报告加工时间:2019-05-13 -- 2019-05-26)


  • 欧洲的门窗市场 - 行业展望和预测(2019-2024年)
    Buildings account for up to 24% of the greenhouse gas emissions and over 41% of Europe’s primary electricity usage. These numbers are increasing YOY due to the rising aboriginal and migrated population as well as improving living standards. The region is likely to be confronted with an energy shortage in the future, and unfavorable climate changes are quite evident. It has been established with sufficient evidence that the present energy generation and consumption system is not sustainable. There is an urgent need to shift to renewable and sustainable energy sources such as solar energy as well as improve building structures using raw materials and building components such as windows and doors to minimize the heat loss and reduce energy consumption and expenses for space heating.
  • 菲律宾结构绝缘板市场 - 增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The market studied has expanded rapidly over the last few years, due to a considerable rise in the number of accidents and thefts, which have led to government mandating the installation of dashcams. Dashboard cameras have evolved from the first cameras installed on police cars in the late 1980s. They were primarily analog cameras that did not have memory cards and recorded on VHS cassettes. The industry transformed drastically in the 1990s, when citizens began to install dashcams and use them to record driving instances. The advancements in technology have led to many improvements in dashcams, such as highquality video output and cost-effectiveness.


  • 轻工制造行业:瓷砖行业研究;4月地产数据持续好转,家居行业趋势向上
    SKU 众多,下游主要是住宅(占60%+)、商用地产和基建,市场空间广阔(总市场 5000 亿元,其中城镇住宅市场 1134 亿元),规模稳定波动(17 年销量+4%),行业发展趋于成熟,但未来仍有量价齐升动力。2)供给端:产能过剩(产能利用率 70%),产品异质性强、生产壁垒低、具备运输半径,导致格局分散(CR5 不足 5%),然而,消费升级下杂牌被产品力强、服务半径大的龙头品牌替代,供需恶化、成本压力下小企业陆续退出,全装修趋势下地产商倾向于选择头部供应商从而加速龙头扩张,环保政策加码、标准提升、督查日趋严格,迫使落后产能(中小企业或部分区域)大量淘汰,或是转为大厂做 OEM,未来行业集中度加速提升。 
  • 轻工制造行业:继续看好全年家居和新型烟草双主线,推荐4月地产链数据深度解读-行业研究报告
    本周我们发布家居数据报告 201905 期《4 月二手房成交高增,家居线上销售活跃》,总的来看,4 月新房和二手房成交增速继续加快,大中城市增速快于全国,3-4 月家居企业的线上成交增长加速,今年地产投资中,建筑工程增速明显加快,显示施工端在加速。市场经过这一轮调整,一些优质个股的估值吸引力增强,仍推荐布局家居和新型烟草双主线。
  • 轻工制造行业:1-4月住宅竣工面积同降7.5%,国废价格下跌

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